
Words from our Prez

August 31, 2015

Are You Prepared?

1 Corinthians 14:40 - “Let all things be done decently and in order.”

Tropical Storm Erika gave us deep concern after seeing the damage and loss of lives in Dominica. We now have Tropical Storm Fred brewing off the coast of Africa. (forecasters do not believe that Fred is a threat to US)

The threat of Erika catapulted our team in getting ready for the possiblitiy of landfall. The good news is that we were prepared. I pray that you were also prepared and ready for the worst.

Life brings with it all sorts of storms - failing health, death, disappointment, divorce, and many more. If the very worst was to happen to you or a loved one - would you be prepared?

A couple of weeks ago we lost Ronnie very suddenly. You and I never know what the day will bring. If you were to die, have you made preparations for your loved ones? Do you have a will? Do you have a living will? Do you have a trust?

For me, one of the greatest and most important question is - What will happen to me when I die? Is there a real heaven and real hell? These are probably the most thought provoking questions for anyone. Personally, I believe that there is a heaven and have prepared myself for being there by accepting Jesus Christ as my Saviour. I believe that He paid my debt of ungodliness and makes it possible for me to stand before a Holy God.

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” - Benjamin Franklin

Being prepared for life (with or without storms) can be hard. Are you prepared for death? Have you made a will or trust? Do you know that your desires after life will be carried out? Take this week's quiz on wills and see how much you know.

All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

Be Prepared

Disaster Preparedness

Things to consider for emergencies: Your Command Center

  • Having a family disaster plan and have practiced it.
  • Knowing any evacuation routes or places to stay if needed.
  • Enough Food and Water for 7 days.
  • What to do about your pets and their food and water.
  • A Generator and all the parts that go with it. Also gas.
  • A Solar weather radio and/or shortwave radio.
  • Flashlights, charged and ready. Consider solar flashlights that do not need batteries. Candles.
  • Small tool kit that includes a small shovel, hammer, multi-use pocket knife, etc. All in one place.
  • Books on first aid, survival, natural remedies etc. These all need to be in one area for quick reference. And don’t forget your Bible!
  • A good medical bag or kit.
  • Important documents such as identification and birth certificates in a sealed container.
  • A notebook containing important phone numbers.
  • Solar powered phone charger.
  • Rope and a good pair of scissors.

August 24, 2015

What Really Matters

Mark 8:36 - “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”

Sadly, one of our mission family members passed away last week very suddenly. His name was Ronnie and he served in the Bargain Barn. Ronnie started volunteering in 2010 and became a staff member just a few months ago. When I say he volunteered, I mean he was here every day from morning to afternoon. Ronnie made friends with others around him, but kept to himself and was a quiet person. He did not have any relatives or family members close to him and we became his “family”.

Ronnie's passing was sudden. He had experienced some bumps and bruises in his life which had a great impact on him. But you know, it's not how we start in life, it's how we finish. Ronnie finished strong and made a difference in people's lives.

What's important in your life? How do you measure your contentment? What brings you lasting happiness? Unfortunately, our world tells us to measure our contentment with what we have - not who we are.

I Timothy 6:6,7 states - “But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.” How true this statement is! Being content with what we have and having the ability to enjoy life is priceless. How many times have you heard about very successful people that commit suicide? These verses go on to say that even the first breath of life we take as we are born is given back at the time of death. Things can make your life comfortable but they don't always bring or guarantee contentment.

I believe that Ronnie trusted in the Lord and is in heaven now. The last years of his life were meaningful and he truly enjoyed what he did. He gained friends and a family. Each of us need to stop and think - What Really Matters?

All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

PS - We are planning our staff retreat in September - you don't want to miss this.

Lose your soul?

Song from Toby Mac-"Lose My Soul"

Toby Mac performs all over the world and his lyrics always point us to the need of the Lord. With over 11 million units in career sales and six GRAMMY awards, he shows no signs of slowing down.

Are you content?

August 17, 2015

Why We Do What We Do

Nehemiah 8:10 - “Nehemiah said, Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”

This week's moment is going to be short, but powerful.

On Saturday, August 15th, over 100 alumni gathered with their friends and family at Virginia Key. It was an awesome day. Awards were given out, there was great food (and plenty of it), as well as Marlo the DJ.

Over 40 people were baptized in the ocean. The great softball game between Miami and Broward got heated, but everyone had a fantastic time.

Seeing men, women, and children who have been helped at one of our centers reminds us of why we do what we do.

Ecclesiastes 8:15- “So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany them in their toil all the days of the life God has given them under the sun.”

You are so important in seeing people brought from despair and hopelessness to a point in life where they can be successful and have fun. Isn't that great?

All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

Alumni Update

Alumni Got Their Groove On

Alumni Update

Alumni Update

August 10, 2015

The Right Words

Proverbs 25:11 - “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.”

Communication is so important in our relationships and in this ministry. Misunderstandings can be avoided, and great things can be accomplished when there is open communication. Words can hurt or they can encourage, they can teach or they can tear down, but no matter what - they are very powerful.

Proverbs 25:11 is a beautiful picture of the value of the right words spoken at the perfect time. This verse compares an ornate arrangement of gold apples (apples made of gold or of golden color) set in an intricately designed silver bowl. Gold and silver are considered precious metals, and so the comparison of good communication is considered precious and meaningful. Words have great value.

During the last 6 months, we have been on a holding pattern due to the concerns of the Operation of the Pompano Beach Center with Broward County. Praise the Lord, this is past us and we are moving forward.

Proverbs 16:13 states - “Righteous lips are the delight of a king, and he loves him who speaks what is right.” So the right words spoken at the proper time, can even gain us favor with “kings”, leaders in authority, and each other.

I want you to know that you are part of an amazing ministry. Together, we are doing great things and impacting thousands of lives. I pray that this news update encourages you as we look to a brighter future and the ability to help more hurting men, women, and children.

All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

News Update

Some News You Can Use:

  • We are hiring for open positions - presently have 15 or so to fill.
  • Facilities upgrades are being planned. Most notable is the Education Department in Pompano. Looking at each Center and what needs to done.
  • CARE Elementary School in Miami will open August 24 with nearly 90 students. So much work has been done and our Miami residents have really made a difference in the preparation of building.
  • Our properties in Miami - Admin, Bargain Barn, and Center for Women are in a contract with the buyer. The buyer is checking the properties for any major defects. We are scheduled to close on sale in mid-October. Of course, anything can happen and some future plans rely on the sale.
  • We are looking for new buildings for Admin, Bargain Barn, and Center for Women and Children.
  • Pack the Pantry Food Drive is starting. Your assistance with your friends, place of worship, social media contacts would be very helpful in getting the word out.
  • John Ashmen, the President of AGRM (Association of Gospel Rescue Missions) will be with us this Wednesday and Thursday. AGRM has over 250 member missions across the United States and some internationally. Their website is

August 03, 2015

Work Relationships

1 Peter 4:10 - “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”

Work relationships can help us get our tasks completed and even enjoy what we do or make us very miserable. Is there any staff person that you just can't get along with or plainly don't like? How do you get along with others in your department, in other departments, with your supervisor?

In this ministry, there are many work relationships: with each other, supervisors, directors, vendors, customers, outside agencies, volunteers, and of course the people we serve each day. Each of us is part of our vision that “No One is Homeless”. Every staff person is important. It would be great to say that there are never any conflicts, but this is not the case. People get their feelings hurt and sometimes good relationships turn bad. It affects the person and the people around them. I want you to know that as we minister to others, we also need to minister to each other.

Building workplace relationships is an important component of being successful in your career. This means you need to make an effort to get to know the people with whom you work and learn about what skills and abilities they bring to the table. The following focuses on staff relationships.

Micah 6:8 -“He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you - But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?”

Don't ignore on-going conflicts. Doing so will hurt your morale and interfere with your ability to do your job well. If you cannot resolve the conflict with your co-worker, discuss the problem with you direct supervisor. If the problem is with your supervisor, arrange to meet with their supervisor (chain of command).

I believe that great things are in store for us in the near future. The verse above sums up the core of all of our relationships – to do what is just, to love and express kindness to all, and to walk humbly with the Lord. Let each of us develop better relationships with those that are in our lives – in our families, in our work, in society, and with God.

All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

Work Relationships

12 Tips for Healthy Work Relationships:

  1. Have a Good Attitude - No one likes to work with someone who is constantly negative and complains about every little task.
  2. Listen Carefully to Others - It is important to listen closely to what your co-workers are saying. This assures that you and your co-worker are on the same page.
  3. Allow for Open Communication- Co-workers should be able to freely express their thoughts on work-related issues in a professional manner. In team meetings or one-on-one sessions, co-workers should be encouraged to voice their opinions about a project and express their ideas. Open communication is important for team building and increasing morale. If you are a supervisor or director, it is your responsibility to establish an office culture in which employees feel comfortable expressing themselves.
  4. Be Respectful of Yourself and Others – When building positive relationships, it is important to act in a respectful manner. Be respectful to your co-workers by listening to their positions and responding in a professional manner. Respect yourself by staying in control of your emotions and using your best judgment when working towards conflict resolution with co-workers.
  5. Be Willing to Compromise - The work environment requires that co-workers work together as a team. Compromise involves each party getting something that he or she wants so that everyone wins.
  6. Get to Know your Co-workers on a Personal Level - Cultivating relationships with your co-workers can improve work relations and improve your support system at work. Have a cup of coffee or lunch to learn more about each other.
  7. Set Boundaries - Such as how much of your personal life you reveal at work. Be respectful of your co-worker's boundaries.
  8. Be Polite and Courteous to Co-workers - Express your gratitude when a co-worker assists you with a project or task.
  9. Be Responsible – If you say you’re going to do something, do it. If you’re unable to complete a task for some reason, make sure information is communicated to all team members who would be impacted.
  10. Be Responsible – If you say you’re going to do something, do it. If you’re unable to complete a task for some reason, make sure information is communicated to all team members who would be impacted.
  11. Rise Above Office Gossip - No one wants to earn the reputation of being the office busybody.
  12. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate! - Your co-workers are not mind readers, so make sure you’re communicating with them and your manager on a regular basis.