
Words from our Prez

October 19, 2015

What's Your Toothpick?

James 4:13,14 - Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” You do not even know what will happen tomorrow.

This past weekend, my daughter Joy, had something very unexpected happen to her. She was out to dinner with Marilyn and our two grandchildren - Aiden (12) and Shanti (6). It was a great dinner, and as they left the restaurant and headed back to the van, Shanti stepped on Joy's foot. Marilyn heard Joy shout with pain. Guess what? It turned out that somehow a large toothpick was impaled in Joy's toe. The toothpick was sticking out of her toe and she was moaning in pain.

This is not an earth shattering unexpected event, but it does emphasize the point that at any time something totally unexpected can happen in our life. Most people like to be in control of their lives, and therefore, are more at ease living the same kind of life every day. Unexpected and unpredictable events can wreak havoc in our lives and cause a great deal of stress. The only thing predictable about the unexpected is that it ALWAYS happens. Most of them are of minor importance, but sometimes, they are major or life shaking events of unpleasant nature, causing severe difficulties and problems.

Just when life seems to be going smoothly, something happens to throw us for a loop - an accident, chronic illness, financial setback, relationship breakup, or the death of a loved one to name a few. These are the types of events that we cannot fully prepare for. How do you cope with unexpected events? —stressed?, panic?, angry?, depressed?

There is no magic formula to help people deal with unexpected events. The following are two places to begin:

  • Accept that the change has knocked you flat. Acknowledging that you don't feel like coping is the first step to picking yourself up and getting on with life. There is a lot of emotional pain involved in many types of change, from job loss to death of a loved one. Each emotional upheaval is very personal and cannot be measured by any other person, whoever they are. Give yourself the time to grieve the change as well as finding ways to heal and move on. If you don't acknowledge the pain that accompanies change, there is a risk you'll push it deep down and pretend you're coping.
  • Seek the help of others (friends, family, professional counselors) who may have gone through similar circumstances. This may not be easy, but talking about your feelings can really help the healing process. Keeping things bottled up may one day lead to even greater emotional and psychological harm.

Fortunately most of us have what it takes to deal with the unexpected. It's called resilience — the ability to bounce back from adversity. And while the rebound is typically neither quick nor smooth, coping with the unexpected is the norm, not the exception.
There is One, that I believe, can help people through any unexpected event in life if we allow Him. Yes, I'm speaking about God. Not only can He directly help us, but He often will put people in our lives to help us deal with any unexpected toothpick.

All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b
PS - Joy was fine and needed no urgent or emergency services.


God Can Help

  1. God knows the best place for me in this moment.
    “For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent; he will lift me high upon a rock.”Psalm 27:5
  2. God will provide His strength to get me through this situation.
    “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.”Psalm 46:1-3
  3. God will hear me when I pray to Him.
    “In my distress I called upon the LORD; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears.”Psalm 18:6
  4. God has worked wonders in the past and will do it again.
    “I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples.”Psalm 77:11,14
  5. God has a plan for everything that happens in our lives.
    “The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in his way;though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the LORD upholds his hand.”Psalm 37:23

October 12, 2015


Deuteronomy 31:6 - “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you

Remember, a very long time ago? — I'm talking about January when the topic for Moments was New Year's resolutions. How many have you done? Did you write any down? Did you try — and then give up early? Did you just throw in the towel?

“Well, if so, it's time to REBOOT.

When electronic devices go haywire, or just stop working (like your computer or phone), the easiest solution is just to REBOOT the device. It's mid-October, but it's not tool late to revisit a goal or two from the beginning of the year. We need people in our lives that challenge us and encourage us as we set goals for ourselves. Consider yourself challenged!

Take a moment today to look at something you wanted to accomplish in 2015 but have struggled with. Why not pick one goal and work on that for the rest of 2015? Maybe this is the one that you have had on so many past Resolutions Lists.

The following are some necessary “Let Go's” that will help you strike down the “I can't” mantra and help you REBOOT a goal (or two).

All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

  • Let go of Guilt – what could guilt possibly resolve? It just holds you imprisoned and stops any progress.
  • Let go of Negative thinking – Negative attitudes keep you locked from moving forward. Our thoughts influence our ability to achieve - either positively or otherwise.
  • Let go of Self-criticism – Many times we are our own biggest enemy. We criticize ourselves with the best of intentions but then go overboard. Let go of it and be kind and gentle to yourself.


More “Let Go's” to get you going.

  • Let go of the “I’ll do it tomorrow” attitude – This is a delaying tactic of your subconscious trying to keep you from accomplishing important goals. Try to be aware of it when you think it and consciously push yourself to do at least the first part of a goal today.
  • Let go of compulsive thinking – Do you keep on doing something to get it perfect, but then never reach perfection? Often this causes us to stop trying. By the way, this is very hard for some of us who are OCD.
  • Let go of the need for others’ approval – We all like to have approval from others for our accomplishments, but out self-confidence and character should not be based upon the approval or disapproval of others.
  • Let go of bad company – If there are people around you that are insincere, harbour envy, are highly pessimistic or disempowering, keep away from them. If there are people that you think will keep you from obtaining any goal, let them know how serious you are. But, don't seek their approval - keep focused on achieving your goal.
  • Let go of taking things too personally – Very often we are disturbed emotionally because we interpret people’s words and actions from a very subjective perspective. When we take things personally we get irritated, hurt and disappointed. Each of us must live our own lives and sometimes need to develop the ability to just let some remarks or actions of others go.
  • Let Go & Let God – This saying has been around for a long time, but it is full of meaning and truth. When we are at our wits end and just can't seem to take another step toward our goal, God is always present to help us and encourage us. He won't do it for us, but He can give us the strength we need to persevere.

September 28, 2015


I Thessalonians 5:11 - “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

Looking back at your life, which person or persons stand out in your memory and thoughts? “There were a lot of people that did a lot of good things and I’m sure thankful. But the people or the person that I remember most is… ”

In our daily ministry we are encouraging those in the greatest of need. We also need to be encouragers to each other and people in general when they are going through difficult times. In my own life, there are six people that I hold in the highest regard. They never gave up on me and helped me tremendously through very dark times.

Encouragement is the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope. Encouragement inspires courage (the word in the word), spirit, and confidence. Encouragement can be as simple as “You can do this” or “I believe in you”.

It was great to see so many of you at our Staff Luncheon. It encouraged me to see the smiles and fellowship across each Center. I believe we have grown closer as a team and ministry to the homeless, needy, and to each other.

As we think of “What's Next?”, let us work even harder to be encouragers. The greatest encourager is the Lord - He tells us that He will never leave us or forsake us. He is our Shepherd who leads, provides, and protects us if we allow Him into our lives.

As the fall months have begun, you know that we will become super busy in all of our Centers. Stress levels rise, and sometimes our emotions can get the best of us. Let us continue to work together, help one another, and remain focused on helping people who really need our encouragement, our love, and our services.

"Encouragement helps others take the next step they couldn’t take on their own."

All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

Ways to Encourage Others


Staff Luncheon was Encouraging

Ronny Super Star

Birthdays and Anniversaries

September 21, 2015


Psalms 133:1 - “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!

Is anyone really an individual contributor at work anymore? I think not. Pretty much everything we do is done with others in groups. We’re tasked with planning and completing projects together. We negotiate roles and resources. We talk to one another—or text, tweet, email—and sometimes we listen, too.

We’re dependent on and beholden to people above, around, and below us for collective success. We develop habits, over time, that dictate how we behave with one another. Add this up and you’ve got the definition of team: people who share a common purpose and goal, who have distinct roles and responsibilities, and who adhere to certain rules of interaction. Teams are everywhere at work. But on occasion, teams can develop problems - even in Christian organizations.

These weekly messages, birthday and anniversary announcements of staff, meetings by different departments, our Staff Luncheons, our Messengers Team and other activities are meant to help build our team.

“Great Teams are built with the efforts of all.

Within the general team, there are specialty teams that also need to work together well, as we continue to serve the Lord and the homeless and needy. Let each of us strive to continue building our teams so that each member feels valued and our vision that "No One is Homeless" stays fresh and powerful.

I hope to see many of you on Friday, September 25th, at 10:30 AM for our Staff Luncheon, It will be a great time of fellowship and seeing people from other Centers that we rarely interact with.

All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

PS - Thanks for taking the Benefits Survey and responding to the What's Next form.


Healthy Teams have some things in common with other healthy teams. They:

  • Evaluate – Healthy teams are willing to think critically, without getting their feelings hurt, in order to continue to improve things.
  • Encourage – Healthy teams make a concerted effort to encourage others on the team.
  • Construct – Healthy teams build a solid foundation together so the vision is completed beyond the span of a team member.
  • Challenge – Healthy teams challenge each other when there is a need, in an effort to hold one another accountable, and keep the team healthy.
  • Cooperate – Healthy teams learn to get along, even when they don’t agree with each other, for the good of the vision and the team.

September 14, 2015

What's Next?

Habakkuk 2:2,3 - “Then the Lord answered me and said: Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so that a runner may read it. For there is still a vision for the appointed time.”

Forming a clear Vision concerning future goals is a difficult undertaking for any person or organization. With all that has happened this past year (opening of CARE Elementary, the Pompano Center Bid challenge, potential sale of some properties, and more) the fundamental question for our ministry is "Where and what does the Lord desire for our future?"

Our focus is always on how to better serve the homeless, needy, poor, and our community to the best of our ability in relationship to resources and funding. At the present, we are working hard to bring staff levels in line with our present needs. We are a very large and diverse ministry and have to start with stabilizing our infrastructure as we look to the future.

The Directors are working closely with the "Messengers". Messengers are leaders who work closely with staff in the centers and have been meeting for the last year. They include: Aline Guillaume (Miami Center for Women and Children), Charles Thomas (Miami Food Service), Daisy Diaz (Development Marketing), Don Cotton (Broward Programs), Jorge Rivera (Miami Case Management), Ken Palonsky (Education), LaCandise Grate (Community Activity Center), Maria Chavez (Industrial Division), Melissa Singh (Miami Development), Nina Corbe (Broward Development), Sara Smih (Behavioral Health), and Valencia Taylor (Guest Services).

The verses quoted above simply mean that a vision should be written down "so that a runner may read it". This part of the verse actually means that the vision should be clear and clearly understood. The "runner" was a herald that would go about the cities and towns reading the vision to others. It had to be clear so that people would understand what was meant.

We are working on a Vision for this ministry and I will keep you posted as we progress. Nothing is in writing as of yet, we are still dreaming and looking at options.

Pray for the direction of this ministry as well as anything that will be needed - staff, community resources, funding, volunteers, and our donors.

I believe that many exciting things are in store for us as we seek to continue to serve the Lord and others.

All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

What's Next

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We need your Input - Take a Moment to Review

Take our Benefits Survey. This is completely anonymous and will help us with your present satisfaction of benefits. Results will be gathered, but we are not tracking the sender. In other surveys we might ask for your email.

September 7, 2015

Remember 9/11

I Samuel 7:12 - “Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen and called its name Ebenezer; for he said, Till now the Lord has helped us.

This Friday is the 14th Anniversary of 9/11 when four passenger airliners were hijacked by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists to be flown into buildings. Two of the planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, were crashed into the North and South towers, respectively, of the World Trade Center in New York City.

Within an hour and 42 minutes, both 110-story towers collapsed with debris and the resulting fires causing partial or complete collapse of all other buildings in the World Trade Center complex, including the 47-story 7 World Trade Center tower, as well as significant damage to ten other large surrounding structures. A third plane, American Airlines Flight 77, was crashed into the Pentagon (the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense) in Arlington County, Virginia, leading to a partial collapse in the Pentagon's western side.

The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, initially was steered toward Washington, D.C., but crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after its passengers tried to overcome the hijackers. In total, the attacks claimed the lives of 2,996 people and caused at least $10 billion in property and infrastructure damage.

It was the deadliest incident for firefighters and law enforcement officers in the history of the United States, with 343 and 72 killed respectively.

Following the terrorist attacks, a massive operation was launched to clear the site and attempt to find any survivors amongst the rubble. On September 13, 2001, a worker at the site named Frank Silecchia discovered a 20-foot cross of two steel beams amongst the debris. This cross is called The World Trade Center Cross and is also known as the Ground Zero Cross.

The potential use of the cross in the World Trade Center Memorial was opposed by certain groups and actually went through the court system. Many groups such as families of certain Christian victims wanted the cross to be included.

In late July 2014, in dismissing a lawsuit filed by the dissenting atheists who did not want the cross displayed at the memorial, the 2nd U.S. Circuit ruled that, being "a symbol of hope" and "historical in nature", the steel beams "did not intentionally discriminate" against the atheists.

I understand that in a multi-cultural and diverse nation that the Christian Cross does not hold any significant meaning for many. Followers of Christ have always seen the Cross as a symbol of forgiveness, healing, and restoration.

I Samuel 7:12 is a remembrance of the protection of God for Israel against the dreaded Philistines. Ebenezer actually means "Rock or Stone of Help" and signifies God's presence and provision.

Let's remember all those that lost their lives and the families that are still mourning this 9/11 memorial day.

All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

PS - We are planning our staff retreat on September 25th - you don't want to miss this.

The Cross at the World Trade Center

Amazing Cross found in the debris of the collapsed towers on September 13, 2001.

Are you content?

Morning the lost