
Words from our Prez

February 22nd, 2017

Wills are for Everyone

Psalm 39:4 “Show me, LORD, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting my life is. ”

Preparing your will

This week I believe we have been given a lot of information about our benefits: medical, dental, vision, GAP, STD, LTD, life insurance, retirement savings, and even banking. What a lot to take in. One thing that I have touched on in the past and would like you to consider — do you have a will in place? We are never certain about tomorrow. This past week our dear brother, Alex Upshaw, went to be with the Lord unexpectedly. One thing I can tell you is that if you don't have a written will, the government has one for you.

Quiz About Wills

Some Quick Facts about a Will

  • A will is a legal document which outlines how your assets and belongings are to be distributed when you die.
  • Your executor (also known as "administrator") is the person you designate in your will to carry out your wishes. Since they have to follow your will to the letter, it is best to meet with your chosen executor, gain their approval for such a responsibility (it's a big one), and then describe your wishes to them as outlined in the will. They should also ideally know where to find the will and other key documents if and when they need to.
  • Beneficiaries are the people who receive your assets when you die. You designate them as you see fit in your will, and you can have as many beneficiaries as you wish.
  • If you die without a will, you are considered to be intestate. This is when the government steps in, and over a tiresome period will attempt to contact anybody who might be a family member with a right to receive any of your assets. They first need to find the most appropriate executor, since nobody will be allowed to touch anything you owned until one is appointed. All accounts without designated beneficiaries (and even some that are) will be frozen and assets locked up. If there are competing interests for who should be the executor, then intestate succession can become ugly, costly, and chaotic.

Many adults do not understand how wills operate, and even more do not have a will. In fact, some studies show that anywhere from 50% to 70% of all adults do not have a will. It is very likely that the number one reason why adults don’t have a will is because people hate talking about the subject of death. Face it – death is an awkward subject.

If you don’t properly prepare a will or will substitute, the government ends up doing it for you through the laws of intestate succession. When the government decides where your property and assets go, it is almost inevitably done at greater expense and time than if you had done it yourself. So, the key is to avoid the government’s involvement.

There are different types of wills - formalized written wills, handwritten wills, and even oral wills. Each is subject to state laws concerning wills.

Types of Wills

  • Conventional will — This is the document that I’ve been talking about this moment. It is the written and formalized document used to devise your property and assets upon your death.
  • Living Will — A "living will" is a legal document that gives instructions to medical personnel in the event of severe injury or terminal illness of the testator (you). In general, the main decision to make with a living will is whether you want all medical treatment to be used to try to keep you alive, or not.
  • Durable Power of Attorney for Legal Matters — A durable power of attorney for legal matters is a document where the testator gives another person the power to make legal decisions for the testator upon becoming incapacitated.
  • Durable Power of Attorney for Health Matters — A durable power of attorney for health matters is a document where the testator (you) allows another individual to make certain health care decisions for the testator including disconnecting life support and agreeing to certain medical procedures.

As you can see, making a will is a serious process. I believe that Guardian has on-line help, but we are searching for an attorney that will be able to come in and give us more information during a seminar. At this time, we don't know about any cost for services. The emphasis of this moment is to get you to consider having a valid will. Remember, if you don't make one, the government has one ready.

Join me on Friday the 24th for our Power of Prayer time of fellowship! If you have a prayer request or praise click on the link below.

All God's Best to you and your loved ones,

-rev b

Prayer Request

February 15th, 2017

Black History Month

Lynn Swann “This being Black History Month, I would like to ask people to celebrate the similarities and not focus on the differences between people of color and not of color. ”

You might not be able to see this video due to our web settings. We will work on it.

Click on the picture to play and pause.

February is Black History Month. How much do you really know of it's origins? Here are some quick facts:

  • Black History Month dates back to 1926, at which time it was known as Negro History Week. The celebration lasted only a week, and began on February 12.
  • The month of February was chosen to coincide with the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln.
  • The month of February also holds another significant date in African-American history; on February 3, 1870, the 15th Amendment was passed to grant voting rights to black men.
  • It was created by Carter G. Woodson, a noted African American historian, scholar, educator, and publisher.
  • Carter G. Woodson was the son of former slaves. Carter Woodson became only the second African-American ever to earn a doctorate degree from the prestigious Harvard University in 1912. The first African-American to earn a doctorate degree from Harvard was W.E.B Dubois, another famous scholar. With his academic background, Carter G. Woodson understood more than anyone the value of education.
  • In early 1969, the leaders of the Black United Students at Kent State University in Ohio suggested that the celebration should be extended from just one week to the whole month of February. In 1976, Black History Month was officially recognized by the federal government, led by President Gerald Ford.
  • There are currently 45 million black people in the country. By 2060, it is estimated that the black community in the US will have grown to 74.5 million people, making up 17.9 percent of the national population. It is an undeniable fact that black men and women have had, and will continue to have, a large influence on the national demography and culture of the US.
  • The United States is not the only country to celebrate Black History Month. Canada also began to observe Black History Month in 1995. Another country that celebrates Black History Month is the United Kingdom but takes place in the month of October.

Paved in slavery, bravery and determination, African-American history is full of heroes who were ready to dedicate their lives to improving the status of African-Americans in society. Famous human rights activists, athletes, entertainers, musicians, politicians, scientists and many others helped make the African-American community what it is today. Although inequalities still exist, African-American history is a respected and cherished part of mostly white-dominated United States history. Black History Month is the biggest celebration of African-American struggles from the 16th century until today.

Acts 17:26: - “And He (God) has made all nations of men of one blood to dwell on all the face of the earth.”

It would be very naive to think that racism and prejudices are not prevalent in our society or throughout the world. "On the Origin of Species" by Charles Darwin is consiederd to be the foundation of evolutionary biology - you know - man evolved from lower life-forms over millions of years. Interestingly, the full title of his book is "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.

This theory is taught as fact and is the basis for many dictators and nations slaughtering millions of people they consider the "unfavored races" in order to prove their particular race is superior and all others are inferior. The problem with this mindset is that every human being in the world is classified as Homo sapiens. Scientists today agree that there is really only one biological race of humans.

The Bible does not even use the word “race” in reference to people but it does describe all human beings as being of “one blood” (Acts 17:26). The Bible states that we are all related, from one family, the descendants of the first man and woman.

Continue to enjoy the rest of Black History Month highlighting the many achievements and contributions that African-Americans have made and are making, but remember — we all need to treat every human being as our relative. We are of one blood. All of us are equal in value before our Creator God no matter of our skin color, nationality, religious beliefs, or ethnic background.

Join me in 2017 and let's increase our faith to a new level!

All God's Best to you and your loved ones,

-rev b
PS - Make sure to read Vel's Blog - Team Mentality Part III

Prayer Request

February 8th, 2017

Rejoice and Rejoice

Psalms 118:24: - “This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. ”

Celebrate Men and Women in graduation

What motivates you in this ministry? This is a year that we want to increase our faith. Being at the graduation ceremony at the Marlins Stadium on Saturday, February 4th, was amazing. I pray you were able to make it and see firsthand the joy of not only the graduates, but their family, friends, and loved ones.

So many people to thank for the hard work, many meetings, and times of anxiety in putting this together. Special blessings to Melissa, Tony, Don, James, Marlo, Guest Services, and the Development team. AND we can not leave out Claude Delorem, the Vice President of Operations for the Marlins - SALUTE!

Every graduate has a unique and compelling story to tell. To see formerly homeless men and women walk the stage in full cap and gown is a very emotional experience. It should motivate each of us in our ministry of helping people in the greatest of need. You are a vital part of this ministry and share in the rejoicing with our grads, their families, and each other. The reception after the ceremony was off the chain! Great music, food, and lots and lots of love.

Below is a button link to share some photos of the graduation. Navigation is self-explanatory but there are 3 pages, so make sure to scroll down to the bottom of page for the links if you can't see them on your screen.

Graduation Gallery

Continue to pray for our Grads (thousands through the many years) — their continued well-being and success.

Join me in 2017 and let's increase our faith to a new level!

All God's Best to you and your loved ones,

Prayer Request

February 1st, 2017

Beliefs Part 3

1 Thessalonians 5:20-22 - “Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil. ”

2017-Year of Faith

In the past few weeks, we have examined just a few of the world's belief systems — there are many more. These are systems of faith. You have heard of "a leap of faith", "blind faith", "cult faith", and even "no faith". Matters of faith are very personal, but they are very important. Our faith defines our morals, treatment of others, choices in life, and the most important question — What happens when we die?

I have written about personal finances, healthy lifestyles, and your importance in this ministry. During 2017, our year of faith, I would also like to speak about spirituality and how we build our faith. People who are brought up in a particular religion form core values and beliefs at an early age. As a Christian, I hold personal biblical beliefs and have faith in Jesus Christ. It is so horrible in our world today (and throughout history) that people of faith take matters to the extreme and have no tolerance for other religions or faith systems. This has caused divisions, hatred, wars, and persecution which is so prevalant in today's world. The reality of the battle of the faiths is that is is not being waged by the average believer, but by those with extremist views. It is not well reported, but Jews, Muslims, and Christians are being tortured and put to death every day.

I would encourage you to take some time to reflect on what you believe and why you believe it. For example: I believe the Bible to be God's Word (old and new testament) because:

  • The Bible was written over a period of 1,500 years, by 45 authors from all walks of life, from 3 continents. All with one major theme.
  • There is little doubt that the Bible is the world's best-selling and most widely distributed book.
  • How we have our present Bible is an amazing story spanning centuries of intrigue, wars, deceptions, and martyrs.
  • The whole Bible has been translated into 349 languages; 2,123 languages have at least one book of the Bible in that language.
  • The Bible has survived numerous attempts to destroy it over centuries.
  • Archaeology has provided factual evidence to support the realness and accuracy of the Bible. (just do a search on finds that support biblical accounts that at one time were thought to be fiction)
  • The Bible is honest when mentioning key figures. They are written about as people who are not perfect and even sometimes did criminal acts, and yet God's grace touched them, He forgave them, and used them for His glory. By the way, I believe this is what He wants to do with each of us.
  • Prophecies written hundreds of years earlier came true. These were no predictions, but very detailed facts about the future.

The apostles in Luke 17:5 cried out "Lord, increase our faith!"

This is the first place that anyone can start to build faith. I believe that anyone from any background or religion who cries out to God for truth and for faith will hear from God. What do you believe happens when you die? Some believe that when we die — that's it. There is no afterlife, we just cease to exist. Others believe in reincarnation and others believe in some type of judgment - either reward or punishment. My faith is in Jesus Christ. I believe that all who put their faith in Him, will be with Him after death. My faith is not blind or a leap, it is based on research, my life, and the lives of so many that have a testimony for the Lord.

I want you to know that whatever religion you may practice is your personal faith and I respect your faith. We may not agree on matters of faith, but need to respect each other and treat everyone in love.

My challenge to you this year is to build your faith. Seek God, test what you read and hear.

Join me in 2017 and let's increase our faith to a new level!

All God's Best to you and your loved ones,

Prayer Request

January 25th, 2017

Beliefs Part 2

Army Major General Robert Dees - “For troops in the foxhole,'faith makes a difference' and no one worries about political correctness. When they're getting ready to go on a dangerous patrol in Afghanistan or Iraq, they'll hold hands and say, 'God, you're our rock, our fortress, our deliverer, the strong tower to whom we may run.' ”

2017-Year of Faith

The meaning and use of faith is highly controversial. Consider the following:

  • “My faith tells me that the Messiah has not yet come, but will someday.”
  • “I have faith that when I martyr myself for Allah, I will receive 72 virgins in Paradise.”
  • “I have strep throat, but I have faith that this penicillin will clear it up.”
  • “I have faith that, because I accept Jesus as my personal savior, I will join my friends and family in Heaven.”

The three religious claims above represent personal faith. Some would say that this type of faith is "belief without good evidence". Curiously, each statement of faith is not accepted by all — personal beliefs are very hard to change once formed. This goes for everyone.

The third statement relies on what most would consider evidence: penicillin almost invariably kills streptococcus bacteria. This type of faith is from “confidence derived from scientific tests and repeated, documented experience.” I would submit that a faith in God can be based upon good evidence - but, faith is a matter of personal choice. Why do you think there are so many relilgions? Which are right? Which are wrong? Does it matter?

This week we will look at three world religions.

Judasism - Only One God who has chosen Israel.

Judaism encompasses the religion, philosophy, culture and way of life of the Jewish people. Judaism is considered by religious Jews to be the expression of the covenantal relationship that God established with Abraham. Judaism believes God exists, is unique, eternal and will reward the good and punish the wicked. FAithful Jews strive to keep the laws and traditions as proof of their faith in God. Jews focus on the relationships between the Creator, mankind, and the land of Israel. They are looking for the Messiah to come who will establish God's kingdom on earth and save all Jews. In 2015, the world Jewish population was estimated at about 14.3 million, or roughly 0.2% of the total world population. About 43% of all Jews reside in Israel and another 43% reside in the United States and Canada, with most of the remainder living in Europe, and other minority groups spread throughout South America, Asia, Africa, and Australia.

Islam - One Almighty God above Mankind

Muslims believe there is the one almighty God, named Allah, who is infinitely superior to and transcendent from humankind. Allah is viewed as the creator of the universe and the source of all good and all evil. Everything that happens is Allah's will. He is a powerful and strict judge, who will be merciful toward followers depending on the sufficiency of their life's good works and religious devotion. Muslims also believe that Islam is the original, complete and universal faith that was revealed many times before through prophets including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus As for the Quran, Muslims consider it to be the unaltered and final revelation of God. Although a Muslim honors several prophets, Muhammad is considered the last prophet and his words and lifestyle are that person's authority. A follower's relationship with Allah is as a servant to Allah. After death a person is rewarded or punished according to their religious devotion. Muslims believe that giving up one’s life for Allah is a sure way of entering Paradise.

Christianity - One Loving God for all Creation

Christianity believes in one God who can be known and is personal. It is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the savior of humanity whose coming as the Messiah (the Christ) was prophesied in the Old Testament (Jewish Bible). Faith in Jesus as the Son of God and redeemer of mankind through His death, burial, and resurrection assures the believer of entering heaven. With Jesus Christ, the person's focus is not on religious rituals or performing good works, but on enjoying a relationship with God and growing to know him better. One of the main differences between Christianity and other religions is that Christians believe that Christ paid the entire price for their bad deeds and doing good deeds does not get you into heaven. The desire to do good works is done out of love and gratitude for God’s grace.

I pray that you are very comfortable in your faith - in what or who you trust the most. When reading articles or hearing the news, it is best to do your own research to make sure that what you are being told is true. That goes for all matters of life. Next week we will discuss putting our faith into action in practical ways.

Join me in 2017 and let's increase our faith to a new level!

All God's Best to you and your loved ones,

Prayer Request

January 18th, 2017

Beliefs Part 1

????????? - “These are they into whose hearts He has impressed faith and strengthened them with a spirit from Him.”

2017-Year of Faith

When you get up in the morning – you probably are certain that the sun has appeared (even if it’s cloudy). When you get on a plane – you probably are certain that it will get off the ground and reach your destination. Are these just matters we take for granted, or are they our expectations based upon faith – a belief or conviction we have acquired?.

Faith is based on our conviction and/or belief about people, the earth, and the universe. In 2017, I want each of us to increase our faith and for our ministry to reach new levels of faith as we serve the homeless and poor. Our faith should also affect our communities in a greater way in 2017.

Where do you put your faith? Faith is generally connected to a religion and a belief about God. Some people have faith or a belief about life without God. In today’s Moments, I would like to highlight a few major world religions and other faith systems. We will conclude with more beliefs next week.

Hinduism - Infinite Manifestations of God

Most Hindus worship one Being of ultimate oneness (Brahman) through infinite representations of gods and goddesses. Hindus believe their position in this present life was determined by their actions in a previous life. Hinduism therefore provides a possible explanation for suffering and evil in this life. A Hindu's goal is to become free from the law of be free from continuous reincarnations. Only the soul matters which will one day be free of the cycle of rebirths and be at rest.

Buddhism - No Supreme God

Buddhists do not worship any gods or God. People outside of Buddhism often think that Buddhists worship the Buddha. However, the Buddha never claimed to be divine, but rather he is viewed by Buddhists as having attained what they are also striving to attain, which is spiritual enlightenment and, with it, freedom from the continuous cycle of life and death. The goal of a Buddhist is to purify one's heart and to let go of all yearnings toward sensual desires and the attachment to oneself. Most Buddhists believe a person has countless rebirths until in one life they reach Nirvana -- "the blowing out" of the flame of desire.

New Age - We become Gods

New Age promotes the development of the person's own power or divinity. When referring to God, a follower of New Age is not talking about a transcendent, personal God who created the universe, but is referring to a higher consciousness within themselves. A person in New Age would see themselves as God, the cosmos, the universe. In fact, everything that the person sees, hears, feels or imagines is to be considered divine. New Age teaches a wide array of eastern mysticism and spiritual, metaphysical and psychic techniques, such as breathing exercises, chanting, drumming, develop an altered consciousness and one's own divinity. Eventually a person develops spiritually to the degree that there is no objective, external reality. A person, becoming a god, creates their own reality.

Science - God is not knowable or does not exist

Some people use their ideas about science to make sense of the world and for emotional compensation in difficult situations in the same way that religious people use their supernatural beliefs. The knowledge of the universe, Earth, and life on Earth can be explained by the minds of man through science. Millions put their faith in science. What we don’t know today will be explained by science tomorrow. Science, at its extreme, denies the need for the existence of a supreme Being – things just evolve. Science deals with the natural world and is not generally equipped to deal with the supernatural. Most scientists believe that when we die, there is nothing more. Do not take this to mean that all scientists do not have some type of religious belief. There are many who believe in God, the supernatural, and an afterlife.

If you do a search about world religions, you'll find many, many paths of spiritual beliefs. Can they all be right? Man also has devised ways to explain life apart from the necessity of a supreme God. The purpose of this moment is to get you to evlauate your belief system — your faith. Next week we will consider a few more major religions and discuss putting faith into action.

Join me in 2017 and let's increase our faith to a new level!

All God's Best to you and your loved ones,

PS - The above verse comes from the Holy Qur’an - (58:22). Most religions teach about faith

Prayer Request

January 11th, 2017

2017 - A Year of Faith

Hebrews 11:1 - “ Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

2017-Year of Faith

2016 is history and we are full-steam ahead going into 2017. Vel has been blogging about setting New Year's Resolutions. I would like for you to include in your short list - Building and Operating in Faith.

Definition of Faith: allegiance to duty or a person; loyalty; fidelity to one's promises; sincerity of intentions; belief and trust in and loyalty to God; belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion; firm belief in something for which there is no proof; complete trust; something that is believed especially with strong conviction

Last year we wanted the Caring Place to be known as the Praying Place. The increase in prayer, praise, and prayer requests was phenomenal! This is still part of our DNA and will continue, but in 2017 I want to see our level of faith increase exponentially. Now, the first question each of us must ask is - "Where do I place my faith?" For some, it is their job, wealth, family, or possessions. Do you have a faith in God? No matter how you envision God? If so, how would you rate your faith on a scale of 1 to 10?

Hebrews 11:1 is a tremendous definition of faith. Faith operates on trust, but still carries the uncertainty of the future. Personally, I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ - He is the author and finisher of a Christian's faith, but far too many are weak in faith or lack it completely.

Goals, Goals, Goals --- how many times has this topic been examined, discussed, taught, reviewed, planned, and then the process begins again. Just like our New Year's resolutions, many goals are never achieved or even started. The foundation of our plans should be our faith in the Lord and our prayers for His direction. Consider the following verses in setting goals and working for their completion:

2 Chronicles 15:7 “But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”

Psalm 127:1 “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.”

Psalm 20:4 “May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.”

Prayer is powerful - it connects each of to God and to each other. Faith is foundational to our prayer lives. Faith is the fuel that helps our prayers come to pass. This ministry is constantly challenged to serve homeless men, women, and children. We are to be a light unto our communities - not for just the homeless, but for everyone we come in contact with.

Next week, I will write about ways to help each of us increase our faith. You and I both know that we can be on a mountain top - full of joy and praise - and then a giant curve ball of life hits us between the eyes and knocks us down the mountain. What can keep us from completely being devastated? I believe it is our personal relationship with God through prayer and faith.

Join me in 2017 and let's increase our faith to a new level!

All God's Best to you and your loved ones,

Prayer Request

January 4th, 2017

It's a New Year - Take a Stand!

Galatians 6:9 - “ And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

Glass Top Table Project

How many 2016 resolutions did you achieve? Are there a few from last year that will be on the list for 2017? Congratulations on any of your accomplishments in 2016 and let's get ready for the New Year! The older I get, the more I come to believe, that the most important part of reaching any goal — is to not give up or grow weary as the verse above states. We need to take a stand for our goals and persevere.

Speaking of stands, this past weekend I started a project to re-purpose an old glass top table. I wanted to give it new life and to use it in our new home. I got my supplies (sandpaper, cleaning solvents, and black spray paint) ready and thought this would be a no-brainer project. I didn't want any dirt to get on the paint, so I decided to clean and paint the metal table in my garage. What a mistake! I chose a flat non-glossy paint. The painting went well with several coats, but to my horror there was a fine black mist surrounding the area I was painting in. I thought I had safeguarded the floor, but I was totally wrong. There was a fine black mist covering most of the garage floor. It took me longer to clean the area than to paint the table. Marilyn helped with the clean up and asked me why I didn't I paint it outdoors.

Now that the table was painted and the garage was cleaned, I place the table in the house and put the glass top on. The flat non-glossy black paint just didn't look as good as I thought it would look. I wanted it to pop so I went and got some glossy black spray paint. This time I would spray it outside, away from the house. I took the stand to the back of the yard, near the lake and placed it on some cardboard. I gave it a coat and then came back in an hour for the second coat. So far - so good. About an hour later I went out to put on the third and final coat. I went out the back door and couldn't see the stand, I thought Marilyn might have moved it, but she wasn't home. Where was it?

Well, wouldn't you know, the stand was on a large piece of cardboard and the wind had kicked up. Even though I thought it was far enough away from the water, a gust of wind sent the stand tumbling down the lawn and into the water. I saw the legs of the stand sticking out of the water and the top of the stand smashed against some rocks. To say I was upset would be an understatement. I retrieved the soggy and soaked stand and wanted to forget the whole project. The paint was marred and discolored. I was done. I had grown weary and didn't want to continue.

That would have been very easy — Just give up. Instead, I dried it off and re-sanded the entire stand. I then painted it again (3 coats) and it looks spectacular. A project that I thought would be so easy, turned into a major headache. I almost fainted, but persevered and we now have a wonderful glass top table for our entrance.

The moral of the story is simple - Take a Stand in 2017 to accomplish your goals. Don't give up, even though you may grow weary, don't faint - Take a Stand!

All God's Best to you and your loved ones,

Prayer Request