
Words from our Prez

February 24, 2016

Faith and the Future

I Corinthians 2:9 - “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

Almost two-thirds of Americans think technological change will lead to a better future, while about one-third think people’s lives will be worse as a result, according to a new survey from Pew Research Center. Which camp do you favor? How important is technology to the future of our ministry?

From employment to leisure and transportation to education, tech is changing the world at a faster pace than ever before. People are becoming more dependent on their phones, tablets, and gadgets to navigate daily living. While technology changes almost daily, God does not. As a Christian ministry, we need to be current with trending changes, but our foundation - our rock - is knowing that God is in control and directs our future if we allow Him.

Twenty years ago, simple mobile phones were expensive, relatively rare and so big that we mostly kept them in our cars. We listened to music on CD’s and had very little personal technology. Think of how much has changed in two decades and it's hard to imagine what will change in the next five years.

There is one fact that is certain - Change Will Happen Much, Much Faster!

Each of us can make decisions that will affect our future - as a person, a family, and even a country. There are two paths to consider:

  • Let events and circumstances define who we are - OR
  • Become proactive in shaping our destiny

I believe that our ministry will grow in the future and be better equipped to serve the homeless and needy. As we work together to define this ministry's future, we can have faith in God that He will reveal to us things that we presently can't see. He will do the same for you as you trust Him.

All God's Best to you and your Loved ones, -rev b

The Future

Some future invoations:

  • OLED TV - organic light-emitting diodes. OLED TVs will be thinner, lighter, more efficient, and better-performing than any current television technology. For example, A 55-inch OLED weighs 16.5 pounds and is about as deep as a pencil (3/16 of an inch).
  • Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology - vehicles will be able to run silenly and the only emission would be water.
  • Mind Controlled Prosthetic Arm - being developed to actually be able to feel. These technologies will help soldiers and others who have lost a limb to get back to their lives with as much normality as possible. It is controlled by the brain of the wearer.
  • Fastest growing careers for the future: healthcare, Information Technology, and alternate energy.

The Future

February 17, 2016

Is Your Soul Well?

Psalms 46:1 - “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

You need comfort now. Perhaps you have had some life circumstance that has caused such hurt that you do not know where to turn.

This past week at church I heard a very old hymn that I love —"It is Well". There's quite a history to this hymn which dates back to 1876. We all go through struggles and losses in life - but can we say at some point - "It is well with my soul?"

"It Is Well With My Soul" is a hymn penned by Horatio Spafford and composed by Philip Bliss. It is based on very traumatic events in Spafford's family and life.

  • 1870 - lost his son
  • 1871 - Great fire in Chicago ruined him financially
  • 1873 - More economic disaster
  • 1873 - He sent the family to Europe while he was delayed on business problems. While crossing the Atlantic, the ship sank rapidly after a collision with a sea vessel, the Loch Earn, and all four of Spafford's daughters died. His wife Anna survived and sent him the now famous telegram, "Saved alone - come quickly".

Shortly afterwards, as Spafford traveled to meet his grieving wife, he was inspired to write this hymn as his ship passed near where his daughters had died. Can you imagine the emotional distress that was consuming Horatio? His family endured more loss, but their faith in God kept them strong. Through the worst of life - they could sing - "It is well with my soul!"

Their faith and service to God increased during the following years. The Spaffords settled in Jerusalem and helped found a group called the American Colony. Colony members, later joined by Swedish Christians, engaged in philanthropic work among the people of Jerusalem regardless of their religious affiliation and without proselytizing motives — thereby gaining the trust of the local Muslim, Jewish, and Christian communities.

During and immediately after World War I, the American Colony played a critical role in supporting these communities through the great suffering and deprivations by running soup kitchens, hospitals, orphanages and other charitable ventures. The colony later became the subject of the Nobel prize-winning novel - "Jerusalem".

It is not easy, but our faith can grow and we also can come to a point where we can say "It is Well with my Soul!"

I am praying for you — you continue to pray for me.
All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

It is well with my soul

Special Arrangement of "It is Well"

If you can not play this, here is a link that should work
"It is Well" by Sam Robson

Original Lyrics (first verse and chorus)

When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to know
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

It is well, (it is well),
With my soul, (with my soul)
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Prayer Request
Calvary Donation

Calvary Chapel

Nina with Calvary canned food drive.

Kids at Work

Heart for the Homeless

All decked out for the celebration.

Hollywood Friends

Friends of Broward Homeless

Hollywood receives new benches in play area.


Johnson and Wales & Friends

JWU students and friends at Mission Chopped

February 10, 2016

Be a Blessing

Proverbs 11:25 - “Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.”

The Bible teaches us that we are blessed not just so that we can feel good, not just so we can be happy and comfortable, but so that we will bless others. God told Abraham, “I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others” (Genesis 12:2). This is the first law of blessing: it must flow outwardly.

Mother Teresa wanted to be a blessing to the poor and needy of the world. She emptied herself to help others. On the other hand, Scrooge of the "Christmas Carol" lived a life of self-consumption and only looked after his own wealth and well-being.

Being blessed and blessing others starts from our own gratitude of what we have - home, family, finances, and friends.

In this ministry to the homeless and needy, we need to stop and ask ourselves - "Are we a blessing to others - to the residents, staff, volunteers, and donors?"

One certain way to bless others is to pray for them, even without telling them.

Prayer Request

All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

Be a Blessing

Gabriela (left) and Daniela (right) bless their mom, Paola, at the Mission on Bring Your Kids to Workday. They are taking a break from their work.

Be a Blessing

Ways to be a Blessing

  • Treat someone to a meal
  • Bring a family meal to a sick friend
  • Send a thank you note to your child's teacher
  • Surprise your spouse with breakfast in bed
  • Write a note to a family member telling them why they are special
  • Send flowers when you don't have to
  • Send a card to someone letting them know you are praying for them

February 3rd, 2016

Wow - What a Graduation!

Graduation Pic

Job 8:7 - “And though your beginning was small, your latter days will be very great.”

On Saturday, January 23rd, 170 formerly homeless men and women graduated from the Miami Rescue Mission | Broward Outreach Centers in a cap and gown ceremony held at the Marlins Baseball Park. Hundreds of family members and friends were in the stands. The graduation marks a milestone in what has become a miraculous redemption for so many formerly homeless individuals.

The weather was cool, but it was such an amazing day - for the honored men and women, and for our ministry. The theme of this graduation was “No Such Thing as Impossible” and the graduates of 2015 have proved that to be true.

Thank you for all that you do to help others reach for the impossible.

I want you to know that you are part of an amazing ministry. Together, we are doing great things and impacting thousands of lives.

See the Video Prayer Request

All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b


What a Blessed Graduation!

Three Smiling Grads

Claude Delorme

January 20, 2016

You have my Permission

Nehemiah 1:11 - “O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of your servant, and to the prayer of your servants who delight to fear your name, and give success to your servant today.”

Can you recall the last time you had to ask for permission to do something? Or, someone came seeking your permission? Having permission to do something or giving permission is all about receiving or giving authority to accomplish the request. A large part of our ministry is giving those in our care permission to be successful.

This means encouraging those that haven't given themselves permission to succeed in life. This includes our residents, each other, our families, and our loved ones. Sometimes, somebody needs to say to another person - You got this! — You're awesome! — You will succeed! Each of us need to give permission to ourselves to be successful in life as well.

Gaining or giving permission is only the beginning of a person's journery for success. The Bible describes success in a much different way than the world does. As the world sees success — it is the achievement of a social status, having wealth, a great job, or being a person of great authority and power. God sees success as something that is achieved that is of infinite, eternal value in this life and in the life to come. Godly success also brings a person inner peace (something that no one can buy).

4 Ways to Give Permission

  • Verbalize it: You have the permission, my permission, to go as far as you can go.
  • Reinforce it constantly.
  • Implement it. Give people opportunities to succeed.
  • Demand it: God's given you something to develop. It's your responsibility to take that and do as much as you can with it.

Each of us can reach for higher goals in our lives. Don't let past failures or stalled attempts hold you back. You Got This! Let us help others by verbalizing our trust and confidence in them. This applies to everyone that we interact with daily.

By the way - you have my persmission to succeed!

All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

Permission Granted

Unsuccessful People:

  • Criticise others
  • Exude anger and a sense of entitlement
  • Blame others for their failings
  • Fear change
  • Hold grudges

Successful People:

  • Compliment and give credit to others
  • Share information and ideas with those around them
  • Take personal responsibility for their actions
  • Embrace change and continuously learn
  • Forgive others and move forward
Prayer Request

January 13, 2016

News You Can Use

Job 8:7 - “And though your beginning was small, your latter days will be very great.”

I wonder if the young couple out of Bible College who came to Miami in 1922 to start helping the homeless and needy would ever imagine how their humble beginnings would continue to grow over the decades? I wonder if Dr. Frank and Maxine Jacobs, who started serving at the Mission in the 1970's when the Mission was going through some very tough times, could have ever imagined how God would use them for over 30 years to transform the Mission and see it grow over the years and expand into Broward County?

Our ministry has stood the test of time and continues to change to meet the modern needs of the homeless, the needy, and our communities. Some may ask — how is this possible? Is it great leadership? Is it being in the right place at the right time? Is it hard work and some luck? Is it having a great staff? Is it because of so many volunteers? Is it because of the faith community?

Of course it is because of the above but the single most important factor is that this ministry is dedicated to God! He leads, protects, and provides.

I want you to know that you are part of an amazing ministry. Together, we are doing great things and impacting thousands of lives. I pray that this news update encourages you as we look to a brighter future and the ability to help more hurting men, women, and children.

Let us continue to pray for each other, our loved ones, our nation, and for those that need our help so desperately.

Prayer Request

All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

News Update

  • We are hiring for open positions - presently have many to fill. Job Openings
  • Monday, January 18th is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Rember this is one of our holidays and we will have special activities for our residents.
  • Graduation Ceremony will be at the Marlins Park on Saturday, Jan. 23rd at 2PM - this is a great time to honor our grads as well as invite your friends and families. Please use your social networks to help us publicize this tremendous ceremony.
  • The 5-plex for women and children is moving forward on the renovations needed for occupancy in Pompano. John Liotta, a Board Member, is helping to get this project completed. This has been a labor of love, but drawings and permits are in the process. Work is to start soon.
  • Our properties in Miami - Admin, Bargain Barn, and Center for Women are nearing the final closing in early Febrary. We continue looking at sites to relocate. This will give us the opportunity to serve more people and expand our safe and affordable housing units for graduates.
  • Our Mission Hope Drive has begun. Your assistance with your friends, place of worship, social media contacts would be very helpful in getting the word out. Let others know and direct them to our websites to get involved. You can find out more here
    Mission Hope
  • February Health Challenge will start February 1 and end on the 29th. More information will be made available shortly.
  • Remember that your Compassionate Leave form must be completed and submitted by Jan. 31.

January 4, 2016

It's a New Year

Isaiah 40:30,31 - “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

First of all I want to thank you for all your hard work in ministering to the homeless and needy. Thousands of people had a very special Christmas because of YOU. Men, women, and children received more than gifts – they received love and encouragement. This past Christmas was amazing! As we enter into a New Year, I believe God will be doing even greater things in Miami, Hollywood, and Pompano Beach. I believe that God will be doing amazing things as we continue our vision: “No One is Homeless” in 2016.

What changes do you want in your own life in 2016?

  • Better Health?
  • Closer relationships with your spouse, family, loved ones?
  • Getting a grip on your finances and/or debt?
  • A closer relationship with God?
  • Healing from past hurts?

Do you have resolutions from last year that were never completed?

I sure do. Do you want something better for your life in 2016? Are you ready to make some adjustments and keep moving forward to reach your vision for yourself?

2016 will be a year of many positive changes for this ministry. We will be looking for some new properties and expanding our services in all of our Centers. This will take a lot of work, but together we are going to help more people for the glory of God.

This will be a year of increased prayer. The Caring Place is the Praying Place. This will be totally voluntary by all of our staff, but we will also be invting our volunteers and the faith community to partner with us as we seek God's wisdom, healing, protection, and provision.
We want to pray for you and your loved ones as well.

Prayer Request

All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b
PS - Graduation Celebration will take place on January 23rd. You don't want to miss this awesome ceremony.

Leaping into the New Year

Great Chirstmas Outreach - Thank You!


Leaping into the New Year

Leaping into the New Year

Leaping into the New Year