
Words from our Prez

July 13th, 2016

Keeping Up to Date is Hard

Proverbs 20:15 - “Gold there is, and rubies in abundance, but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel.”

This is a very quick moment. I was curious about how many of our staff know about special outreaches, special volunteers, our focus groups, and upcoming events.

Did You Know?

  • There are 4 focus groups that are helping to improve our programs: Cover Girls (women who mentor our resident women); Girlfriends 4 Girlfriends (women who are raising funds for safe and affordable housing for women graduating our centers); Homerun for the Homeless (men who are mentoring our upper phase men); and RISE (Reach, Inspire, Succeed, Elevate - is a group of young adults that want to impact the lives of homeless and needy children.)
    These special people are doing such amazing work.
  • Broward Friends of the Homeless helped update the Hollywood Playground area and had a special ceremony on Tuesday, July 12th.
  • Girlfriends 4 Girlfriends will have a mixer in Miami on July 22nd in the evening.
  • We are on 3 radio stations: Life Changers - Saturdays at 9:30 AM on LifeFM 90.9, Mission Possible - The Good News Program: Sundays at 8 AM on 610 WIOD AM, and Cambiandos Vidas - Sundays at 8:30 AM on Radio Luz 1360 AM.
  • Our Christmas in July Outreach will be on July 29th at all of our centers. We hope to give over 700 needy children new sneakers as well as lift the spirits of thousands.
  • Our face book page is, Twitter Page is, and our instagram page is instagram/miamirescuemission - Have you liked us or are you following?
  • We are working on combining all or our programs, centers, and services under one roof - The Caringplace. Each Center will keep its name and heritage, but we desire to have one main landing website to make it easier for people to learn about us and all the great work that is done every day. Our main site will be

We are serving over 1,300 men, women, and children each day. It takes our dedicated team, volunteers, our faith partners and supporters to make this all happen. Most importantly it takes the favor of the Lord and His protection and provision in this ministry. By the way:

Did you know that you are AWESOME!

I am praying for you — you continue to pray for me.
All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

Prayer Request

Did You Know

Something New to Try

The above link is for our latest newsletter published for June and July. Once you click on the picture, your screen should open with a larger view. There are icons on the bottom for you to explore. The easiest way to get back to the website is to hit the Esc Key at the top-left of your keyboard. If this does not work please email me: Rev. B.

PS - We are working on putting all newsletters up as well as an electronic Employee Handbook.

July 6th, 2016

Vacation Time?

Luke 14:28 - “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?”

The above verse simply means that when we set out to do something in our lives; do we plan accordingly to complete our plans — or are our plans dashed because of faulty and poor planning? For many, summer is considered VACATION TIME.

Research has proven that when people take vacations (at least 5 days), they are able to recharge their mind, body, and soul. Not taking a vacation can upset your physical and mental health. Here are several health benefits of taking a vacation that prove you should take them seriously.

  • Reduces stress - Sure, stress can help people get work done under pressure, but experts have noted that 80% of workers are stressed on the job, and 70% of their trips to a healthcare provider are because of stress-related conditions. But studies have shown that taking a vacation helps keep good health intact and prevents burnout.
  • Increases creativity - Taking a vacation boosts creativity—a change of pace allows people to see their everyday world differently. People clearer thinking as well as increased creatively after disconnecting from their work environment for a period of time (and no, a long lunch or 3-day weekend doesn’t count!)
  • Improves low moods - Taking a break from deadlines and high-pressure environments fights stress. Altering your mind by taking a vacation can shift irritable, depressed or anxiety-ridden moods to ones that are more calm and relaxed.
  • Fights colds and infections - While it might sound too good to be true, getting away from it all helps keep your body healthy. It’s been proven that continual, or chronic, stress can gravely compromise bodily function. Even the genetic material in cells can become disrupted under too much stress. Also, you might find yourself prone to more accidents when you burn the candle at both ends. Taking a well-deserved vacation reduces stress and puts your body in a better position to fight infections.
  • Strengthens relationships - Time spent with a partner or family members during vacations allows you to bond with these people in ways that transcend the usual “how was your day?” discussions. Experts say that vacations in particular contribute to something called a “crescive bond” (which in sociological terms means a “shared experience”). Simply put, many researchers have discovered that time together in the form of a vacation builds personal bonds and increases family connectedness.

Time away from the usual routine need not be a grand money-depleting experience. "Staycations" are a great way to have a vacation without a lot of traveling. You can visit museums or other area attractions that are available. Ride the metro, visit parks and so much more.

The bottom line is that each of us need time to just relax and get away from our work. I pray you will plan a vacation and actually enjoy the experience.

I am praying for you — you continue to pray for me.
All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

Prayer Request

Vacation Planning

10 Tips for Vacation Planning

  1. Research - If you have a flexible schedule, be sure to do your research and find out what the least expensive times to fly are. Many internet sites allow you to compare airfare prices at different times of the year.
  2. Plan early – Start planning your vacation far in advance – months if possible. You’ll give yourself enough time to compare deals and can often take advantage of the lowest prices on airfare. Plus, your desired hotel will be more likely to have vacancy.
  3. Check websites - Travelocity, Expedia, Orbitz, Kayak,, and other travel websites offer easy ways to search for and compare airfares, accommodations, and even car rentals. You can book online and usually save money if you book a flight and a hotel together at the same time.
  4. Fly mid-week – Flights are usually cheaper on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and late at night and early in the morning.
  5. Call hotels directly – If you are interested in a hotel you found online, call the hotel directly and see if you can get an even lower rate than what is advertised on the website. Also inquire about any special discounts that might be available, including military discounts, AAA, etc.
  6. Travel off season – Most places have a vacation “off season.” Airfare and hotels are usually cheaper during the off-peak time, plus you’ll have to deal with fewer crowds.
  7. Read the fine print – When looking at airfares be sure you understand their policies regarding taxes, cancellations, carry-on bags, in-flight meals, and more. You don’t want to be surprised by any extra fees at the last minute.
  8. Don’t fly – If possible, consider alternative ways to get to your vacation destination. If you can allot for some extra travel time, driving your own car or taking a train or bus can save you considerable amounts of money. But do be honest with yourself – if you know your children aren’t up for a 10 hour bus ride, it might not be the best choice for your family.
  9. Look for inexpensive activities – Prior to traveling, do some research and find museums, beaches, historical sites, national parks, or other places that have inexpensive or even free admission. Be creative! Think about taking a walk on a hiking trail, visiting a wildlife refuge, or checking out a local street fairs or festival. Some activities also offer reduced admission fees if you arrive late in the day.
  10. Eat cheap – Food can take a big bite out of your budget. Look for a hotel that includes a free breakfast with your stay, or stay in a hotel that has a kitchen so you can make your own meals. Visit to a supermarket when you get to your destination and stock up on some snacks and drinks to keep in your room and to bring with you while you’re on-the-go. If you are traveling with kids, look for restaurants that offer free or discounted children’s meals. And don’t forget to scour your free travel guides from the hotel lobby for money-saving dining coupons.

June 29th, 2016

Family Matters

1 John 4:7 - “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.”

Last week, Marilyn and I were able to see family in Virginia and Texas. What a blessing it was to see them. Our Texas trip was to celebrate the first birthday of our grandson - Mark Ryan.

All families have qualities that make them unique. Whether a particular family is a nuclear family, a stepfamily, a single-parent family, or an empty-nest family, it usually consists of related people who care for one another. Regardless of composition, all families need to be nurtured and strengthened from time to time.

What kind of family did you grow up in? For some it was a wonderful time full of love and encouragement, for others - it might have been a very difficult time. What we experience as a child can follow us a lifetime, good and bad. You are a vital part of our ministry and are an important member of our "Mission Family".

The quality of family life influences every other part of our life. Surveys tell us that the greatest source of happiness in life is the family. The same surveys tell us that the greatest source of frustration and disappointment in people’s lives is dealing with family problems.

Every one of us, including you, is part of a family. In fact we’re part of several families. You didn’t have any choice in the matter. God has designed the family as the basic unit of all society. As goes the family, so go our communities. As go our communities so go our states. As go our states so go our nations. As go our nations so go entire civilizations.

As we look forward to celebrating the 4th of July with picnics, barbeques, and yes - family, let each of us work to build stronger families. Maybe there is unforgiveness or hurt feelings from the past or maybe there hasn't been contact for some time.
What will it take to make your family stronger?

I am praying for you — you continue to pray for me.
All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

Prayer Request

All about Family

6 Ways to Strengthen Family Relationships

  1. Commitment serves as a foundation for strong family relationships. Strong families are dedicated to the well-being and happiness of all family members.
  2. Appreciation enhances family members’ self-esteem, makes family members feel worthy, and creates a sense of belonging within the family unit.
  3. Communication helps family members feel connected to one another. Members of strong families communicate about trivial matters, as well as, important issues. Positive communication involves both talking and listening, and family members feel open to sharing their opinions.
  4. Spiritual Wellness guides ethical behavior, concern for others, and provides unity among family members. Shared beliefs create a bond among family members, and provide a framework for love, purpose, security, hope, and peace.
  5. Effective coping skills help families unite during times of conflict, stress, and crisis. Strong families draw on each other’s strengths when faced with a crisis, and maintain flexibility in order to deal with the issue.
  6. Spending time together builds family relationships, creates family memories, and helps the family develop an identity. Quality family time enhances communication skills and provides each family member with a sense of security and belonging. Family activities are unique to each individual family depending upon personalities, interests, and hobbies of each family member.

Strengthening family relationships takes time, patience, and commitment. These 6 tips are only a small part of helping family members create and maintain strong family bonds. It takes a lot of hard work to build a strong family, but the end result will be well worth the effort.

Begin today to build even stronger family relationships - they last a lifetime!

June 22nd, 2016


Proverbs 10:4 - “Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.

Velma's blog - Boost Your Career & Salary - mentions money concerns. Most people have these concerns and look to their jobs for their income and want to see future increased earnings.

What are your views about money?

  • Do you think you are underpaid?
  • Is money a measurement of success?
  • Do you have a budget and stick to it?
  • Do you consider yourself a good financial planner?
  • Where is your money planted and what type of return do you want?
  • Do you constantly struggle to make ends meet?
  • Do you think your are generous with your money by giving to causes and helping those in need?

I don't know about you, but when I was in school, there were no classes on money or financial management. None. Not even how to balance a checkbook. Nothing about saving and nothing about making wise purchases or investments. You had to kind of learn these things as you went through life or be blessed to have parents that helped you develolp good money management skills.

For many, many years I used the "What's in my pocket" money management system. I'd get paid, cash it, and carry it around. When I ran out, I'd wait for my next paycheck. Later in life, I started using a checking account, but would end up writing checks with no money in the account. Guess what would happen? You got it - overdraft charges.

I'm so thankful that God sent Marilyn into my life. Many of you don't know this, but she is a Certified Finacial Planner and over the years has taught me so much about our personal finances. Not just having a budget, but setting financial goals.

Marilyn teaches budgeting classes and maybe there would be enough interest by staff that we could have some financial seminars. Money management is critical to well-being, our families, and our legacy. Budgets can be as simple or as complicated as needed. Do you use a budget? Are you planning for the future?

A recent national survey revealed that 82% of people would be hard pressed to come up with a $1,000 in case of an emergency. Most would to get a cash advance with their credit card (if the card isn't already maxed). The expansion of debit and credit card usage can wreck any financial plan if a person lacks discipline and has the "I've got to have it now" mentality.

I encourage you to take a look at your present standing of handling your money. You work hard for it, and should realize money is just a tool that can be used foolishly or wisely.

What are you going to do about your money matters? Your future starts today.

If you would like to have some seminars on budgeting and money management, please email me Rev. B.

I am praying for you — you continue to pray for me.
All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

Prayer Request

Planting Your Money

8 Money Management Tips

  1. BUDGET - You are never too young or too old to start planning for your financial future. Getting married, buying a car, ownning a home, sending your kids to college, or retirement mandates sound financial planning.
  2. Live below your means. The key is to live on less than you earn. Do you need every channel on cable? Do you really need a new car? What about your phone? Do you buy lunch everyday or bring something from home? so many ways to save.
  3. Fatten up your piggy bank. Incoporate savings into your budget before you become accustomed to spenind it every month. Even if it is very little.
  4. D is for discipline, not debt. The key is to clear out as much debt as possible as fast as possible.
  5. Have an emergency fund. As a general rule of thumb, an emergency fund should be about three times your monthly expenses if single and six time your monthly expenses if married or have children.
  6. Analyze your spending habits and adjust as necessary.For one month keep a record of every expense, every expense. At the end of the month look at what you have purchased. There is always fat that be cut away and more money can be better in other areas (reducing debt, enrolling in classes, etc.)
  7. Clean up your credit. Regularly monitor your credit score (which you can do for free annually with the three major credit reporting agencies) and take the steps necessary to fix any inaccuracies or fraudulent information. Also be careful to protect your financial information from identity thieves who can wreak havoc on your financial life.
  8. Contribute the maximum to your Mission 403(b) account. This is a no-brainer. Saving for retirement early and often is one of the most important steps to ensuring financial security for your lifetime.

Some people reading this will say, "I barely make ends meet now and never have any money to save." You know what? I use to say the same thing, but have learned over my lifetime that the key of financial freedom starts with a desire and the discipline to stick with a plan.
If not now, when?

Remember, please email me Rev. B. ,if you are interested in attending some financial classes.

June 15th, 2016

Are You Organized?

1 Corinthians 14:40 - “Let all things be done decently and in order.”

On a scale of 1 to 10 ( 1 being that you think you are the most disorganized person in the world and 10 means that there is no improvement possible and you are an OM — Organizing Master), how would you rate yourself?

For some people, myself included, getting organized is not always the hardest thing to accomplish — it's staying organized that is hard.

Has this ever happened to you? You need to find an important document. You believe the last time you saw it was in a certain file – but it isn’t there. This is a very important document and you need it for legal matters. What do you do? How about locating your phone, or car keys - even a wallet or pocketbook? It's happened to all of us at some time.

What would being organized look like for you? For some of us, it means clearing clutter; for others, it means getting round to personal tasks that we never seem to have time for. Perhaps you want to improve your time management? Or maybe you want to beat the feeling that you never get round to what matters because there’s always a general air of chaos. (sound familiar?)

How many times do you start a to-do list and it just keeps getting longer and longer? How organized is your email (work and home). How many emails are in your inbox right now? What should the optimum number of emails be in your inbox?

What is it about being organized that appeals to you?

  • Saving time
  • Saving Money
  • Finding what you need
  • Enjoying more space
  • Impressing friends and clients
  • Stop missing appointments
  • Get more things done
  • Never lose valuable records
  • Higher score on Performance Evaluations

Approximately how much time do you think gets wasted each day at work and at home because you or others around you are not organized?

  • None
  • 30 minutes
  • 1 hour
  • 2-3 hours

Organized doesn't just mean tidy. The purpose of organization is to be able to find, exchange, and evaluate items quickly. However, organization can also help keep them tidy by providing a quick, logical space for adding and removing things. Some people say that they are too busy or there just isn't enough time. Research shows that being disorganized actually causes time delays and affects us psychologically.

Look around your surroundings. It could be an office, van, truck, warehouse, kitchen, or any space where you serve. Does the area look clean, organized, and well kept? Let each of us take some time to get better organized and then work hard to keep it organized.

It's time to get and stay organized!

I am praying for you — you continue to pray for me.
All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

Prayer Request

Getting Organized

Ten Tips to become an Organizing Guru
These can apply for work and home.

  1. Purge your office – De-clutter, empty, shred, get rid of everything that you don’t need or want. Look around. What haven’t you used in a while? Take one area at a time. If it doesn’t work, send it out for repair or toss it. If you haven’t used it in months and can’t think of when you’ll actually need it, out it goes. This goes for furniture, equipment, supplies, etc. Don’t forget about knick-knacks, plants (real or artificial), and decorations – if they’re covered with dust and make your office look shabby, they’re fair game.
  2. Gather and redistribute – Gather up every item that isn’t where it belongs and put it where it does.
  3. Establish work “zones” – Decide what type of activity happens in each area of your office. You’ll probably have a main workspace (most likely your desk,) a reference area (filing cabinet, shelves, binders,) and a supply area (closet, shelves or drawers.)
  4. Revise your filing system – As we move fully into the digital age, the need to store paper files has decreased. What can you store digitally? Are you duplicating files? You may be able to eliminate some of the files and folders you’ve used in the past. If you’re storing files on your computer, make sure you are doing regular back-ups.
  5. Create a meeting folder – Put all “items to be discussed” in there along with items that need to be handed off, reports that need to be given, etc. It’ll help you be prepared for meetings and save you stress in the even that a meeting is moved up.
  6. Clear off your desk – Remove everything, clean it thoroughly and put back only those items that are essential for daily use.
  7. Organize your desktop – Now that you’ve streamlined you desktop, it’s a good idea to organize it. Use desktop organizers or containers to organize the items on your desk. Use trays for papers, containers for smaller items.
  8. Clear your piles – Hopefully with your new organized office, you won’t create piles of paper anymore, but you still have to sort through the old ones. Go through the pile (a little at a time if necessary) and put it in the appropriate place or dump it.
  9. File weekly or more often – Don’t let your filing pile up. Put your papers in a “To File” folder and file everything once a week.
  10. Put it back right now - Once you establish where everything belongs, you need to get in the habit of putting it back there as soon as you're finished using it. Don't put it on a shelf or on the conference table and move onto something else, thinking to yourself that you'll put it away later. That's a big no-no.

Declutter and get organized

June 8th, 2016

Now You Know

Proverbs 13:15 - “Good understanding giveth favour: but the way of transgressors is hard.

Jerry was born in Ireland in 1839 never knowing his father. Since his mother was unable to care for him, he went to live with his grandmother at an early age. One of his earliest recollections was of his grandmother on her knees praying the rosary. He would throw things at her, and she would get up and curse at him.

Growing up with no supervision, he roamed around stealing and causing trouble wherever he went. At 13, Jerry was packed up and sent off to New York to live with his sister and brother-in-law. This arrangement didn’t last very long; he soon moved out and lived with a family on Water Street in the slums of Lower East Side New York. Thievery was his main “occupation”; he stole to buy clothes and drink.

In 1857,at age 19, Jerry was accused of highway robbery, convicted, and sent to Sing Sing prison for 15 years. At the end of the 30-mile train ride from New York City to Sing Sing, Jerry read the sign over the prison’s entrance: “The way of the transgressor is hard.” He knew this proverb well and to be true in his own life.

Sing Sing was a dark and damp maximum-security prison where talking was not permitted and torture was rampant. The coffin-like cells were 3 feet by 3 inches wide, 6 feet by 7 inches high, and 7 feet deep. There were no windows in the cells and merely a bucket for plumbing. The odor was so rank it was hard to breath at times and the mice, cockroaches, lice, fleas, and bedbugs were everywhere. Jerry learned to read and write in prison, but most importantly, he honestly sought the Lord.

Even though there were to be many more years of drinking, fighting, and crime, Jerry always pointed to his imprisonment as the time he started his Christian walk. Jerry was released in 1864 and fell back into old ways of stealing and drinking heavily. A few years later, at a prayer meeting, he surrendered to God completely.

Soon after this, God sent a very powerful and wealthy man into his life. With the help of Fredrick Hatch, in October 1872 he took possession of 316 Water Street. He used the money he had raised to repair the building and then opened Helping Hand for Men — which became known as the McAuley Water Street Misson and is now known as the New York City Rescue Mission.

For the next 12 years, Jerry was instrumental in countless thousands’ conversions to Christ. He died in 1874. The tender love and acceptance he showed to the down-and-out won over many souls. Hundreds of missions have launched and millions of lives have been transformed as a direct and indirect result of Jerry’s ministry.

Our ministry of helping the homeless and needy started in 1922 and is based on Jerry's vision. We are part of the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions. Rescue Missions are in almost every major city of the United States and in many foreign cities. They are a testament to how God rescued Jerry from darkness and set him free to help rescue millions more.

Now you know more of our history

I am praying for you — you continue to pray for me.
All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

Prayer Request

This moment is being written while attending the 2016 AGRM Conference.

Mcauley Mission

Above - McAuley Mission serves thousands for Christmas (1905).

McAuley Mission

  • 1872: Fredrick Hatch donates the first mission building and Jerry and Maria McAuley open The Helping Hand for Men at 316 Water Street in the notorious Fourth Ward of New York City.
  • 1912: The original building was torn down and a new four-story structure called The McAuley Water Street Mission with separate rooms for 10 men was erected.
  • 2000: The McAuley Water Sreet Mission becomes the New York City Rescue Mission
  • 2016: Celebrates 144 years of ministry.

Special Note: William Griffith Wilson was cared for and helped by the Mission in 1934. He is known as Bill W, the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Association of Gospel Rescue Missions

The International Union of Gospel Missions - IUGM was organized on September 17, 1913, in New York City. This was to foster missions growth and impact. The IUGM traces its roots back to the McAuley Water Street Mission.

In 2000, IUGM changed its name to the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions (AGRM).

Presently, there are nearly 300 missions in the AGRM.

Every year, AGRM members collectively:

  • Have 300,000 volunteers help in many ways.
  • Serve approximately 50 million meals.
  • Provide more than 20 million nights of lodging.
  • Distribute some 30 million pieces of clothing.
  • Graduate upwards of 20,000 people with jobs and housing.
  • Employ over 10,000 full-time staff.
  • Provide many additional valuable services.

Attending the 2016 AGRM conference was so inspiring. Seeing over 1,000 leaders from missions across America come together to learn, fellowship, and praise the Lord was amazing. You are part of this great heritage.

Mcauley Mission

What a Great Group

AGRM confernece

2016 AGRM Meeting

June 1st, 2016

What We Think About

Philippians 4:8 - “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.”

This week's moment is really just some random thoughts, nothing specific, just things that cross my mind from time to time. You probably have your own random thoughts - most people do.

Do you ever wonder how we are even able to think? Everyone has a different way of processing events, experiencing the passing of time, recalling memories, and just thinking. I don't mean the type of thinking that you are required to do in everyday life, but the kind of thinking we do when we are by ourselves or maybe just before we go to sleep or wake in the morning.

Is this You? Are there times in the day when your mind just wanders? It happens to most people, but what do you think about?

10 Random Thoughts About You

  • 1: You are reading this right now.
  • 2: You are realizing that #1 is a stupid fact.
  • 4: You didn't notice I skipped three.
  • 5: You are checking now.
  • 6: You are smiling.
  • 7: You are still reading this even though it's stupid.
  • 9: You didn't realize I skipped eight.
  • 10: You are checking again and smiling about how you fell for it again.
  • 11: You are enjoying this.
  • 12: You missed the point that there is only supposed to be ten facts.

The above is just some random fun. Share with others. God certainly has created us to be very special and unique. We can think deep thoughts, critical thoughts, surviving thoughts, and just random thoughts.

The word of God instructs us to think on good and excellent things. I pray today that you are able to think positively and that your random thoughts can be observations of life's oddities and not take you to dark places.

Pray for each other in a special way this week. So many members of our mission family are experiencing some really tough times.

I am praying for you — you continue to pray for me.
All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts - Original and from others.

  • Why is it that everyone driving faster than you is considered an idiot and everyone driving slower than you is a moron?
  • Do you ever notice how flimsy the plastic grocery bags are? Now you have to double bag most items or else the bag will split open and your milk will spill.
  • Why don't more people use turn-signals? This is really annoying. If you don't use them, please start today.
  • Why do people have to blast the horn as soon as the light turns green? Is that going to make people put the petal to the metal?
  • Does it upset you when you order at a place with a drive through window and when you get home, something is missing or they put the wrong item in the bag?
  • Can Chewbacca even say Chewbacca? Shouldn’t his name be something like Rawwwraaraar?
  • If you drop an Oreo you can still safely eat two thirds of it.
  • What really happens when we die? I believe in a resurrected life through Jesus Christ, but at times wonder what that experience will be.
  • When does it stop being partly cloudy and start being partly sunny?

Proverbs 14:15 - “The naive believes everything, But the sensible man considers his steps.”

Prayer Request

May 25th, 2016

Decoration Day?

John 15:13 - “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

Although the term Memorial Day was used beginning in the 1880s, the holiday was officially known as Decoration Day for more than a century, when it was changed by federal law.

On May 5, 1862, General John A. Logan, leader of an organization for Northern Civil War veterans, called for a nationwide day of remembrance later that month. “The 30th of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet churchyard in the land,” he proclaimed. The date of Decoration Day, as he called it, was chosen because it wasn’t the anniversary of any particular battle.

Did You Know? Each year on Memorial Day a national moment of remembrance takes place at 3:00 p.m. local time.

Memorial Day, as Decoration Day gradually came to be known, originally honored only those lost while fighting in the Civil War. But during World War I the United States found itself embroiled in another major conflict, and the holiday evolved to commemorate American military personnel who died in all wars.

For decades, Memorial Day continued to be observed on May 30, the date Logan had selected for the first Decoration Day. But in 1968 Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which established Memorial Day as the last Monday in May in order to create a three-day weekend for federal employees; the change went into effect in 1971. The same law also declared Memorial Day a federal holiday.

Remember the men and women who gave their lives for their country, family, and loved ones. Our freedoms are paid by their blood and sacrifice.

I am praying for you — you continue to pray for me.
All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

Memorial Day

Little known facts about Memorial Day.

  1. Memorial Day and its traditions may have ancient roots. One of the first known public tributes to war dead was in 431 B.C., when the Athenian general and statesman Pericles delivered a funeral oration praising the sacrifice and valor of those killed in the Peloponnesian War
  2. One of the earliest commemorations was organized by recently freed slaves. On May 1, 1865, more than 1,000 recently freed slaves gathered in a prison camp to consecrate a new and proper burial site for the Union dead. The group sang hymns, gave readings and distributed flowers around the cemetery.
  3. The holiday’s “founder” had a long and distinguished career. In May 1868, General John A. Logan, the commander-in-chief of the Union veterans’ group known as the Grand Army of the Republic, issued a decree that May 30 should become a nationwide day of commemoration for the more than 620,000 soldiers killed in the recently ended Civil War. Today, Washington, D.C.’s Logan Circle and several townships across the country are named in honor of this champion of veterans and those killed in battle.
  4. It didn’t become a federal holiday until 1971. For more than 50 years, the holiday was used to commemorate those killed just in the Civil War, not in any other American conflict. It wasn’t until America’s entry into World War I that the tradition was expanded to include those killed in all wars, and Memorial Day was not officially recognized nationwide until the 1970s, with America deeply embroiled in the Vietnam War.
  5. Memorial Day traditions have evolved over the years. Since 2000, when the U.S. Congress passed legislation, all Americans are encouraged to pause for a National Moment of Remembrance at 3 p.m. local time.

Memorial Day

Prayer Request

May 18th, 2016

Who's Your Boss?

Titus 3:1 - “Remind them to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good deed,”

How much do you know about the structure of our ministry? Do you ever remember seeing any organizational charts when you went through orientation?

Everyone reports to somebody - a manager, supervisor, associate, or director. Your boss is normally the person you report to directly and follow their directives. God's word tells us to honor those that have been put in authority. Do you honor your boss? Do you do your best so your boss/leader can meet goals and expectations?

As the President, you might not think that I have a boss, but in reality I have 12 - they are the MRM's Board of Directors. Marilyn, Development Director, works with me every day, but is responsible to the Board directly. The Board meets throughout the year and I am in contact with the Chairman, Jeffrey Tew, almost weekly.

The Miami Rescue Mission | Broward Outreach Centers Board of Directors volunteer their time, talent, and treasure with no compensation. Each one listed are independent voting members of the Board. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Financial oversight of the entire organization. Reviewing all financial reports, progress of special fundraising campaigns, and financial health.
  • Reviews and participates in the yearly Audit, fiscal year planning, reviewing of the IRS 990 filing, and quarterly reviews.
  • Directly supervises the President and the Development Director. The Board helps sets goals to achieve and reviews their progress with evaluations.
  • Setting the compensation for the President and the Development Director. The Compensation Committee enlist special consultants to review national, regional, and local salaries based on similar non-proft agencies and non-profit size. Compensation and/or adjustments must be Board approved.
  • Assists in fundraising and special projects.
  • Develop strategic plans for the future of the ministry and how best to serve the homeless and needy of our communities.

We are blessed to have such a diverse and active board. Each one brings to the table special abilities and perspectives.

Our directors are listed under the staff page and I hope to have our "Messengers" listed by next week. (Messengers are leaders from each Center who meet with the directors during the year.)

All God's Best to you and your Loved ones, -rev b

Carlos and Sherri Romero, Carlos is a board member, receive award.

Carlos Romero, MRM Board Member, with wife, Sherri, received the Donor Next Door award on May 9th, 2016.

Board of Directors for 2015-2016

Each Board Member listed is an independent, non-compensated, voting member.

  • Jeffrey A. Tew
    Chairman of the Board
  • Roger M. Gordon
    Audit Committee
  • Pete A. Gutierrez, MD, MMS, PA-C
    Medical Services and Clinics
  • William L. Lyons
    Audit Committee
  • Marty Steinberger
    Youth Programs
  • Carlos Acosta
    Hispanic Programs
  • John S. Liotta
    Housing Initiative Committee
  • Mark Beausoleil
    Fundraising Committee
  • Charles Waddell
    Housing Initiative Committee
  • Carlos Romero
    IT Committee
  • Barbara Ann Tosi-Renna
    Fundraising Committee
  • Linda Washington-Brown, PHD, EJD, NP-C, LHCRM
    Medical Services and Clinics

May 11th, 2016

God's Best for Our Ministry

Proverbs 3:5-7 - “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.”

At the beginning of the year, we became focused on prayer. In fact our theme this year is - "The Caring Place is the Praying Place". This ministry of helping the homeless and needy originated from the heart of God. He loves people and especially those in great need.

The Mission started out as a soup kitchen in 1922 by two people who wanted to serve the Lord in Miami.

Presently we serve thousands of people each year and have buildings in two counties. We've grown from a staff of two and now have 170 team members (more to be added as well). I believe the reason for such great success and impact is that we continue to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and seek His guidance and provision. How do we do this? It is through our prayers and actions.

Last year was a very trying time for all of us as we dealt with Broward County and the Pompano Contract. Although this was a time of great stress, it also became a time of great prayer. God answered our prayers and even greater things are happening in 2016.

There will be a special day of prayer in the next few weeks. I am looking for a great location. We met last year, but I believe we need to have these type of prayer times more often during the year. By the way these times of prayer are not for converting people, they are a time to seek God for this ministry, our loved ones, and ourselves.

As we move forward in relocating some of our buildings, updating others, and increasing our services, may each of us ask God for wisdom. Dr. Frank and Maxine Jacobs visited this week (they are the re-founders of the ministry and served over 30 years). Their hard work and seeking God's best tremendously impacted the Mission in so many ways. My prayer is to continue to build upon their legacy and honor the Lord each day.

I am praying for you — you continue to pray for me.
All God's Best to you and your Loved ones,

-rev b

Only God

Six Steps to Trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3)

  1. Don’t Depend on You - Most of us have faced disappointments, which have taught us that we can only depend upon ourselves. But living the life God has called us to means unlearning that lesson. Instead, we’re meant to rest in God’s understanding and provision.
  2. Cry out to God - Sometimes trusting Him completely like that can be tough. So, each day we must consciously lay aside our own plans and expectations — and surrender to His plans. Surrendering to God begins with our lips and our thoughts. We need more than a commitment to depend on Him, we need to cry out to Him to show that dependence.
  3. Run from Evil - So much in this world can clutter up our relationship with God. our blessings can easily become our stumbling blocks when we think of them as what we deserve or what we need to be happy. Running from evil and pursuing God doesn’t come naturally to most of us. Instead, it means we have to make a serious change.
  4. Put God First in Your Life - “Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.” (Proverbs 3:9–10) This means supporting the kingdom of God with your time, talent, and treasure. Honoring God truly shows our dependence on Him.
  5. Check Yourself by God’s Word - If we’re ever going to truly trust in God and flee evil, we have to know exactly where we stand. We have to find an objective measure that tells us the truth. And that truth comes from God and His Word.
  6. Rest in God’s Love - And that’s exactly why we can trust in the Lord with all our hearts. He cares for us each and every day. He gives us what we need to thrive. He pours blessing after blessing upon us.

Let each of us learn how to trust the Lord more each day - with all our hearts.

Prayer Request

May 4th, 2016

"God Can Restore and Transform"

Ron's Award

Miami Dade College Hall of Fame - April 26, 2016

Joel 2:25,26 - “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust. You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you.”

Have you ever been caught in the middle of a swarm of bees or mosquitos? That's not a good place to be. This morning, very early before dawn, I opened my back door to feed some cats. To my dismay, hundreds of small flying insects (don't really know what type, don't care) swarmed into our kitchen and were dive bombing me. I was swatting and slapping them, but was tremendously outnumbered. I reached for the insect spray. My kitchen turned white with fog and it was difficult to breathe.

I probably overdid the use of the insect spray, but when the cloud dissipated, I saw hundreds of dead insects on the floor. I quickly cleaned it up before Marilyn came out. In fact she won't know about "The Invasion" this morning until she reads it here.

The above verses in Joel are about a real plague in the land. Locusts (family of grasshoppers) are serious threats to crops. A devastating plague of locusts covered Israel and Syria a few years ago. The first swarms came in clouds so thick they blocked out the sun. The female locusts immediately began to lay eggs, 100 at a time. Witnesses say that in one square yard, there were as many as 65,000 to 75,000 eggs. In a few weeks they hatched, and the young locusts resembled large ants. They couldn’t fly yet, and got along by hopping. They marched along 400 to 600 feet a day, devouring every speck of vegetation along the way. After two more stages of molting they became adults who could fly - and the devastation continued.

Ron's Award
Ron's Award

Swarms of Locusts

In my life and in the lives of so many, we have been beset with locusts. Not the actual insects, but life's challenges and choices which have led to devastation and poverty. Notice the various forms of the locusts mentioned: swarming, crawling, consuming, and chewing. These are all various life-stages of the locust which include the larvae, caterpillar, and flying adult. What Joel is saying is that the fields were completely covered. Just as in the pictures above.

The great promise of God is that when you give your life to Him and follow His ways, He can restore the YEARS of loss and pain that our personal locusts have eaten of our lives. The end result is to Praise the Name of the Lord.

On April 26th, I received the Hall of Fame Award by Miami Dade College. All the years I threw away to my "locusts", God has been restoring and transforming.

He will do the same for our residents and FOR EACH ONE OF US! I'm so grateful for what God has done and is doing in my life.

All God's Best to you and your loved ones,

-rev b

Prayer Request