
Words from our Prez

This weekly series is to inform and encourage everyone that is part of this ministry - staff, volunteers, and supporters. May these moments be a blessing to you as they are a blessing to me.

June 14th, 2017

Happy Father's Day!

Ephesians 6:4: “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

Father's Day

Father's Day is this Sunday, but how much do you know about this special day to honor fathers?

11 Fun Facts and Trivia about Father's Day:

  1. Father's Day officially began in 1910 in Spokane, Washington, where 27-year-old Sonora Dodd proposed it as a way to honor the man who raised her when her mom died in childbirth. Mothers were already being honored.
  2. Dodd was at a church service thinking about how grateful she was for her father when she had the idea for Father's Day, which would mirror Mother's Day but be celebrated in June -- her dad's birthday month.
  3. The movement grew for years but didn't gain national-event status until 1924.
  4. In 1966 President Lyndon B. Johnson proclaimed the third Sunday of June to be Father's Day. President Richard Nixon made it a federal holiday six years later in 1972.
  5. There are more than 70.1 million dads in the U.S. About a third of them are married with kids under 18.
  6. Two million fathers are single.
  7. Spending on Father's Day will reach about $12.7 billion this year. (Mother's Day spending is nearly $22 billion)
  8. Father's Day is the fourth-biggest day for sending greeting cards, after Christmas, Valentine's Day and Mother's Day, according to the Greeting Card Association.
  9. More than 214,000 men are stay-at-home dads.
  10. Thailand's Father's Day is celebrated in December, on the birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Everyone wears yellow.
  11. The necktie is the most popular gift.

There is a famous quote by Mark Twain about his father: “When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.”

As we honor our dads who are still with us or have passed away, let us also remember the dads that are in our Centers - with and without children. Take a moment to specially encourage someone this week. I'm so grateful that so many special times are being made possible to our dads in all our centers this week.

Happy Father's Day!

All God's Best to you and your loved ones,

-rev b

May 17th, 2017

Honoring those who Serve

Romans 12:10 “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another.”

As a noun, honor means “to esteem, to value, or have great respect.” To honor someone is to value that person highly or bestow value upon him/her.

There are so many people who volunteer their time, talents, and treasure and are so important and helpful to our ministry. We love all our volunteers and supporters, but this week I would like to highlight two superheroes that were honored last week in special ceremonies.

Dr. Linda Washington-Brown

Dr. Linda Washington-Brown

Dr. Linda Washington-Brown PhD, EJD, NP-C, LHCRM, serves as a board member of the Miami Rescue Mission, CARE Elementary, and the Miami Health Clinic — besides all the tremendous work she does in the community. Her passion is health and nursing. Linda is the Associate Dean, RN to BSN Program of Broward College.

Linda was selected as one of three finalist at the Health Care Heroes award ceremony held on May 9th attended by nearly 300 community leaders. What a great honour to be selected and to be held in such high esteem by the medical profession. Linda has served as past-president of the Florida League for Nursing and is the current president of the Black Nurses Association, Miami Chapter. She also serves on the following national boards of directors: American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, Association of Black Nursing Faculty, as the State Coordinator and National Black Nurses Association Chapter Development committee.

Dr. Washington-Brown has won many awards for her professionalism and her accomplishments are many. Linda has demonstrated her professionalism, compassion, leadership, passion and more in the field of health care and is instrumental in the delivery of health care for the poor, under served, and indigent men, women, and children of Miami-Dade and Broward Counties.

What I admire most about Linda is her bright spirit and humility in her service to others. She attends our special events and many of our staff have had a chance to meet her. She is very active in our ministries and we just love Linda!

Claude Delorme

Claude Delorme

Claude Delorme, pronounced like "Clood Delor-me", was honored as our "Donor Next Door" recipient at a special ceremony held on May 11th. Hundreds were in attendance at this yearly awards luncheon. Claude has a passion for helping the less fortunate in our communities. He’s the Executive Vice President of Operations and Events for the Marlins and has been with the team for 13 years. He oversaw the construction of Marlins Park which opened in 2012.

Claude began serving at the Mission through the Marlins Ayudan. Marlins Ayudan (Spanish for "help") is the signature outreach initiative of the Miami Marlins. He has been to many of our outreaches and joyfully serves where ever he is needed.

Claude deepened his support of the Mission by initiating the “Homerun for the Homeless” men’s mentoring group. This group meets regularly at the Marlins Stadium and works with formerly homeless men graduating from the Mission’s residential program. He also has helped raised nearly $250,000 for the men's ministry in the last few years. Claude has made our yearly graduations of formerly homeless men and women very special by setting them up right in Marlins Park.

What I admire most about Claude is his enthusiasm to help our residents. He is full of ideas and has the passion to make things happen. By the way, if you have a chance to meet him, ask him about his bowling skills. We love Claude!

Special honour to Dr. Linda Washington-Brown and Claude Delorme, people who are very special in our ministry. There are thousands of others (volunteers, supporters, donors, partners, faith community) who are making a huge difference in the lives of those we serve. From time to time we will highlight them. By the way, when you meet a volunteer or special group on campus, please take a moment to meet them, thank them, and honor them.

All God's Best to you and your loved ones,

-rev b

May 10th, 2017

Happy Mother's Day!

Proverbs 31:28 “Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her.”

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is this Sunday, but how much do you know about this special day to honor mothers?

10 Fun Facts and Trivia about Mother's Day:

  1. Celebrations of mothers and motherhood can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who held festivals in honor of the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele.
  2. In the 1600’s England, Mothering Sunday took place on the 4th Sunday of Lent. It began with a prayer service in honor of the Virgin Mary. Afterwards children would present their moms with flowers.
  3. In 1870, a female activist, writer and poet by the name of Julia Ward (she wrote the “Battle Hymn of the Republic”) suggested a day of peace and strongly advocated other women to stand up against the war. This was an attempt to start a "Mother's Day".
  4. Anna Jarvis is responsible with the establishment of today's Mother’s Day celebration on the second Sunday of May. Anna never had any children, but wanted to carry out her own mother’s wishes of having a day just for moms. Anna tirelessly campaigned and on May 8th, 1914 President Woodrow Wilson signed a Joint Resolution designating the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day.
  5. While Jarvis had initially worked with the floral industry to help raise Mother’s Day’s profile, by 1920 she had become disgusted with how the holiday had been commercialized. She outwardly denounced the transformation and urged people to stop buying Mother’s Day flowers, cards and candies. (This was nearly 100 years ago)
  6. By the time of Anna's death in 1948, she had disowned the holiday altogether, and even actively lobbied the government to see it removed from the American calendar. Sadly, she died in a mental sanitarium never wanting to profit from the Mother's Day commercialization.
  7. One quarter of all flowers purchased throughout the year falls on this holiday.
  8. Pink and red carnations are given to mother’s that are still alive, while white ones are for those that have passed away. This was started by Anna Jarvis because her mother's favorite flowers were carnations.
  9. Last year over 122 million phone calls were made to moms on Mother’s Day
  10. Approximately $22 billion dollars is spent on Mother’s Day.
  11. About 133 million Mother's Day cards are exchanged annually in the United States, according to the Greeting Card Association.
  12. Mother's Day is celebrated in close to 50 countries in different parts of the world on different dates.

As we honor our moms who are still with us or have passed away, let us also remember the moms that are in our Centers - with and without children. Take a moment to specially encourage someone this week. I'm so grateful that so many special times are being made possible to our moms in all our centers this week.

Happy Mother's Day!

All God's Best to you and your loved ones,

-rev b

May 3rd, 2017

Answered Prayer

Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”

Answered Prayer

Thank you for praying for the meeting I had with the Mayor of Miami Gardens on May 2nd. It was a huge success.

Mayor Oliver Gilbert

Pictured is Mayor Oliver Gilbert of Miami Gardens. The purpose of my meeting with him on May 2nd was to discuss the use our church property in Miami Gardens as a place for our women and children of our Miami Center. The challenge is that we need to relocate the residents and staff due to the sale of our properties. The church is not presently zoned for this type of purpose and although there is plenty of room and we have a life-safety plan, I am looking at a way to fast track approval for our needs without having to go through a long and expensive zoning hearing procedure. The first person that needs to be of assistance is the Mayor who is very respected in the city and by the council.

Well, your prayers and good preparation resulted in a great big — PRAISE THE LORD! for a great meeting and for the Mayor's favor. He was very responsive and knew about our ministry. We are not at the finish line yet, but Mayor Gilbert wants to help us and we are seeking an administrative zoning inclusion based upon the church's past zoning usage as "Community Services". We should know an answer very quickly so keep praying. If this does not happen, then we have to have a zoning hearing before the council, something that will work but will slow the process and become expensive.


In Matthew 7:7, quoted above, the Lord tells us how to deal with challenges in our lives - ASK, SEEK, KNOCK.

How does this work when we are seeking God for personal matters?

  • ASK - Pray to the Lord for your need. Ask Him for wisdom, guidance and His all-powerful help. This is directed Upward to His throne. Let's say you have a need for a new car because yours is shot. Bring this matter to Him.
  • SEEK - Don't just sit back and wait for a miracle of being given a car out of the blue or winning one (even though God is in the miracle business), do what YOU can do — start shopping, visit dealerships, go online, etc.. This is directed Inward. Put some wings on your prayer and continue to ask God for His divine help as you take action.
  • Knock - When you hit a wall or can't seem to handle the process of car shopping, get help from others (knock on their door). This is directed Outward. Talk to others about what they did to get a newer car, go online and search for car buyers forums, visit your bank, etc. This information can help you about getting a loan and even prevent you from buying a lemon.

I think you get the point, Ask God, Seek what you can do, Knock on the doors of others.

I will keep you posted on what is happening and remember - Keep Praying, Keep Seeking, Keep Knocking.

All God's Best to you and your loved ones,

-rev b

Prayer Request

April 19th, 2017

What's Happening

Proverbs 18:15 “The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.”

Breaking News

Praise the Lord for our Thanksgiving on Good Friday Outreach. Check out the pics below to see some of the wonderful moments of our annual outreach.

Hey everyone, I just wanted to thank all for such a tremendous, spectacular, awesome, and epic Good Friday Outreach. Thanks to each of you, our valiant volunteers, community partners and friends:

  • We served nearly 3,000 Meals.
  • Had nearly 500 volunteers to help in so many ways.
  • Prayed for over 400.
  • Gave 400 children Easter Baskets.
  • Gave out thousands of articles of clothing and hygiene items.
  • Saw 80 men and women enter one of our programs and get off the streets.
  • Brightened the lives of thousands.
  • Shared the love of God in very practical ways.

I also wanted you to know that we are on track to move our Administration Office and Thrift Stores. We are are still waiting to see if we can put the women and children in Miami at the new church property. New Locations:
Adminstartion: 3553 NW 50 Steet
Thift Store: 8700 NW 7 Ave. - both in Miami.

Please continue to pray for our move and for a place for our women and children. I'm believing that God will work everything out.

March and April's Mission theme has been: "Passion with a Purpose". There's still time to visit to our Facebook page — miamirescuemission — and post your passion.

All God's Best to you and your loved ones,

-rev b

Prayer Request

Thanksgiving on Good Friday - Super Success

Click on a Picture to see more. Once a picture is opened, you can move through by moving your cursor to the left or right side.

Hollywood Meals
Foot washings.
Miami 95 Year Proclamation
Hundreds were prayer for.
Barry University Provide Foot Care
Great Food for All
Haircuts were given at all our Centers
God's Love was Demonstrated to Hurting People

April 12th, 2017

Behold the Lamb

Hebrews 12:2 “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Behold the Lamb

This week is Passover — a great celebration for people of the Jewish faith. Sunday is Easter and is greatly celebrated by Christians in remembrance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Different faiths, but common roots. Both focus on God and His relationship to His creation.

Passover was not started by the Jews although it is celebrated each year. Passover started with God. The last plague sent to the Egyptians was death to the first born. God instructed the Jews (and even non-Jews who aligned themselves with descendant Jews) to select a lamb without blemish (no spots, perfect in every aspect), kill the lamb, apply the blood over the sides and top of their doors, and then eat the roasted lamb as a family. This would protect them from the judgment of God.

The offering of lambs to God started before the Exodus (the Israelites leaving Egypt). The Bible mentions that Abraham (Gen 22:7) sacrificed lambs to the Lord as offerings. The first person mentioned to offer a lamb was Abel (Gen 4:4) - the first born of Adam and Eve.

The Passover meal reinforces the Jewish identity as the people descended from Abraham, saved by God in Egypt, led by Moses, and given a land and way of life. It included sacrifice, blood, bread, and the notion of death. In all of the prayers and rituals of Passover, God plays the central role. God saved the people of Israel in the past, cares for them now and will redeem them in the end.

The core of Christian belief that Jesus’ death paid for humanity’s sins and that His resurrection has given us a new life grew out of Jewish belief. The early Christian believers linked the final hours of Jesus’ life with the Passover celebration and used its symbolism and allusions to understand Jesus’ actions. In daily worship they read the Old Testament which foretold the coming of a Savior - a Messiah. (For more insight into the coming of a Suffering Savior - read Isaiah 53.)

God's revelation about Himself and man's destiny is progressive. We learn more about God and His thoughts as time passes. Consider this:

  • Abel - Lamb for one Person
  • Abraham - Lamb for one Family
  • Israel - Lamb for one Nation
  • Jesus - Lamb for one World

John 1:29 - The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"

March and April's Mission theme has been: "Passion with a Purpose" Being passionate about something translates into our high emotional attachment of the thing, person, or cause that is close to our core. However, the root of the word "passion" is found in the Latin word "passio" which means "suffering.”

The original meaning of "Passion" was: a willingness to suffer for what you love. The most famous example being the passion of Jesus Christ. Having true passion means that a person is willing to suffer for their object of passion. A person makes the conscious decision to give up other enjoyable activities to focus their energy on the things they are passionate about. Jesus is passionate about us. He endured the humiliation of being crucified (a most horrible death) to demonstrate His great love for people.

There is still time to visit to our Facebook page — miamirescuemission — and post your passion.

Passover and Easter demonstrate God's protection and provision. I pray that how you observe these holy days strengthens your faith and draws you closer to the Lord.

All God's Best to you and your loved ones,

-rev b

Prayer Request

PS - The Exodus is mentioned in the Quran: “O children of Israel! Remember those blessings of Mine with which I graced you, and how I favored you above all other people. And guard yourselves against a day when no soul will in aught avail another, nor will intercession be accepted from it, nor will compensation be received from it, nor will they be helped. And remember the time when We saved you from Pharaoh’s people, who afflicted you with cruel suffering, slaughtering your sons and sparing only your women — which was an awesome trial from your Sustainer; and when We cleft the sea before you, and thus saved you and caused Pharaoh’s people to drown before your very eyes.” (Quran 2:47-50)

April 5th, 2017

From Homeless to Hero

2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

Christopher Cummings

Christopher Cummings, who drives a garbage truck for Miami-Dade County, holds the proclamation given him on Tuesday for pulling a county police officer out of a wrecked squad car he came upon while working his route on March 21. He’s flanked by Mayor Carlos Gimenez and the head of Miami-Dade’s Solid Waste department, Deputy Mayor Alina Hudak. Credit to DOUGLAS HANKS. Read more here:

The following was in the Miami Herald on March 4, but I know that many sites are blocked for some people and I wanted to share this tremendous news about a former graduate. I pray that this encourages each of us in this ministry of rescue. Praise the Lord for Christopher.

The artice was written by Douglas Hanks.

A few weeks ago, Christopher Cummings was behind the wheel of his county garbage truck when he watched a police squad car crash, flip and badly injure the officer inside. Cummings, 52, pulled him out and was declared a hero Tuesday when Miami-Dade’s mayor honored him with a proclamation.

Naturally, the talk turned to second chances. But not for the rescued officer.

“Twenty years ago I used to be homeless,” Cummings told Mayor Carlos Gimenez and the other elected leaders who gathered around him. “Twenty years ago, I used to eat out of the garbage can. Twenty years ago, I used to smoke crack cocaine.”

Cummings credited his heroics to God. The faith that led him from a life of dealing cocaine and then a life of poverty in Miami. He lived on the streets for about four years. Then he walked from 95th Street to 20th Street, and checked into the Miami Rescue Mission’s homeless program. Cummings said he got sober and took a church deacon’s advice to apply for a temporary position in the county’s sanitation department. That set him on the path that led him to the scene of a wrecked police cruiser.

“Twenty years ago, God gave me a second chance,” said Cummings, a married father of four. “I take every day of my life seriously. Whatever I can do to help anybody, that’s what I do.”

He turned 52 on March 21 and thought about staying home for his birthday. “But I said: ‘No, I’m going to work today,’ ” Cummings said. When he pulled his Miami-Dade sanitation truck near the intersection of Northwest 87th Avenue and 18th Street that morning, he happened to be one of the first people to see a crash that sent a county officer to the hospital. Police said the officer, who hasn’t been publicly identified, collided with another vehicle while trying to pull over a third car.

Cummings said the squad car flipped, and then came to rest on its wheels. The veteran garbage-truck driver said the officer yelled for help. “He was like, ‘Get me out,’ ” Cummings told a Channel 10 camera crew at the accident scene. “So I reached in, and grabbed his bulletproof vest and pulled him out of there.”

On Tuesday, Cummings elaborated. “It wasn’t me,” he said. “It was God.” Juan Perez, the county’s police director, praised Cummings for making good use of his reclaimed life.

“God gave you a second chance,” Perez said. “And you have chosen to make a difference. And you gave somebody a second chance.”

Chris still visits the Center for Men in Miami. Chris is considered a hero, but I also believe that all of us are heroes because we rescue those in the greatest of need and help men, women, and children every day.

Our theme, "Passion with a Purpose", continues during April. I invite you to share your passion with me — send me an email: You can also go to our Facebook page — miamirescuemission — and post your passion.

All God's Best to you and your loved ones,

-rev b

Prayer Request

March 22nd, 2017

Finding Your Passion

Albert Einstein “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.”

Passion and Purpose

During March & April, our theme is "Passion with a Purpose". I invite you to share your passion with me — send me an email: You can also go to our Facebook page — miamirescuemission — and post your passion.

Some definitions of Passion:

  • Urban Dictionary - Passion is when you put more energy into something than is required to do it.
  • Merriam-Webster - intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction
  • - any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate; a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything
  • English Oxford Dictionary - Strong and barely controllable emotion; Intense sexual love;

Being passionate about something translates into our high emotional attachment of the thing, person, or cause that is close to our core. However, the root of the word "passion" is found in the Latin word "passio" which means "suffering.” We'll talk about this definition in next week's Moments.

Passion is such a key ingredient to living life truly alive. Unfortunately, not all people in modern society really grasp and fully live the true meaning of this powerful word. We can get trapped in the day-to-day grind of making ends meet. Finding our individual passion and purpose can be overshadowed as we grow older and have more responsibilities. Sometimes we lose passions that we held when we were younger: music, playing sports, growing spiritually, painting, woodwork, or anything we liked to do and brought us pleasure and fueled our purpose.

Some steps to consider when finding your passion and purpose:

  • What are your core values and beliefs? Start by making a list of values you think are important to you. These are more intellectual, emotional, and moral qualities. After making your list, rank each in their importance. Describe why each one is on the list.
  • Knowing your important values will help in deciding which causes, activities or goals are more likely to be higher on your passion list. This also helps define the purpose of pursuing your passion.
  • Can you answer this question right now? What do I want my legacy to be? The ultimate question for anyone considering how to make a greater contribution to his or her world: How do I want to be remembered by those whose lives I touch? A simple way to get to this answer is to write your own obituary. Sometimes referred to as an “autobituary,” it’s a chance for reflection that also forces you to realize that your time is limited and to take a hard look at the way you’re spending it.
  • Steven Covey in his book "7 Habits of Highly Effective People", (a book I highly recommend), writes about having a personal and family "Mission Statement". Our ministry has a Mission Statement. These statements are intended to help us focus on what we want to achieve. An example of a personal mission statement: "To live, grow, and serve others in Christ, honestly, and compassionately while making a positive impact on all those around me and building the kingdom of God for His glory." (some of you may have guessed that this is my personal statement). Perhaps I will do a Moments just on personal, family, and professional Mission Statements. But, you don't have to wait - there is plenty of good stuff on the internet.

Passion is the energy that keeps us going, that keeps us filled with meaning, and happiness, and excitement, and anticipation. Passion is a powerful force in accomplishing anything you set your mind to, and in experiencing work and life to the fullest extent possible.

What are you passionate about? What do you really like to do? What gives you the most meaning in your life?

In the next Moments, we'll explore the original meaning of passion and how it applies to developing your "Passion with a Purpose".

All God's Best to you and your loved ones,

-rev b

Prayer Request

March 15, 2017

Passion With a Purpose

Matthew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. ”

Passion and Purpose

This month — March, our theme is "Passion with a Purpose". In today's crazy and busy world, people can find themselves working more, playing less and neglecting the very reason we strive for success in the first place: to experience joy in life. You can post what you are passionate about — like so many others — on our Facebook page: facetiousness/miamirescuemission.

What are you passionate about? What do you really like to do? What gives you the most meaning in your life?

Do you know exactly what your passion is? Is it something you are good at or just something you love doing? Do not be hard on yourself if you do not know. There are many who do not know what their passion and purpose is on this planet. A basic question to ask yourself is "Why do you do what you do?" Some people do it for the money, others enjoy what they do or there are people who love what they do. Where do you fall in? Are you aware of how you feel?

My prayer for you is that you find great purpose and meaning in serving the homeless and needy in very difficult circumstances to get back on their feet and become successful in life. But, I also understand that you are much more than what you do in this ministry. Each of us have passions beyond the walls of the Mission. The best possible case is that you realize your great purpose in helping others AND you remain passionate about what you do for others. Sometimes the grind of day-to-day service can leave us with "compassion fatigue".

I believe that God has a purpose and a plan for everyone that seeks Him. Having a "Passion with a Purpose" may be a simple one, like making a good, healthy life for yourself and your children, or it may be more dramatic and based on what causes really pull at your heart.

In the next Moments, we'll explore ways to discover your passion and deepen your purpose in life. I want to thank you for your wonderful passion and purpose in our ministry. This year is our 95th year of helping thousands of people move from tragedy and trauma to better lives and better futures. You make this happen every day! Great is your reward.

All God's Best to you and your loved ones,

-rev b

Prayer Request

Copyright © 2017 Miami Rescue Mission | Broward Outreach Centers.